STAFF REPORT IBD: The 32 most outstanding players of the ZONG UNITED KICKOFF Football Tournament have recently returned from their dream journey – a weeklong training session at the Manchester United Soccer School (MUSS) in Abu Dhabi.

It was a life-changing experience for these young players exclusively provided by ZONG, says a press release of the company.

During the week, the players had an extensive training schedule spanning over 5 days which primarily focused on things like; physical and technical skills, nutrition and diet, players attitude on and off the pitch.

Two dedicated Manchester United trainers were assigned the task who were extremely impressed by the talent and prowess of the players with the ball.

Andy Dixon, Head Coach/Project Coordinator of the Manchester United Soccer Schools programme in Abu Dhabi praised the young players saying, “I am impressed with the immense talent that these kids have. ZONG has done a tremendous job by providing them this matchless opportunity and I am confident that this training will be the first step of the exciting journey that lies ahead of these youngsters.”

“We are glad to have done something which will help these talented children further refine their talent. ZONG also wants to promote the talent of Pakistan and Manchester United enthusiastically facilitated us achieve this target,” said Usman Ishaq, Executive Director Commercial of ZONG.

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