STAFF REPORT IBD: Pakistan offers diverse experiences and opportunities for engineers sector as the country has a range of industrial activities from oil and gas to textiles, sugar, infrastructure etc which not many countries can offer.
Ali Hamdani, Managing Director and CEO Siemens Pakistan, said this speaking as the chief guest at the recently concluded 27th Multi-Topic Symposium organized by the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Karachi.
He said Pakistani human resources are held in high regard in foreign countries and are making positive contribution around the world.
He said, “We are in an area where countries like China, India and Bangladesh are on the move and we can join the club if we improve ourselves and set some things right.”
He said there is an abundance of talent in the country that needs to be mobilized.
In his opinion, Hamdani said, communication is vital to success, “We should improve our communication and I believe that the difference between countries is the difference in their communication skills.”
Earlier, Tahir Basharat Cheema President IEEEP in his welcome address praised Siemens for their continuous support to IEEEP.

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