Cotton research center to begin in Multan under CPEC

The government of Punjab proposed plentiful agriculture development projects to be included in the China Pakistan Economic cooperation (CPEC) under the Socio Economic framework aimed to perk up the cotton research productivity.

Cotton research center to begin in Multan under CPECUnder the socio economic development framework, a joint cotton research laboratory would be established in Multan at a cost of Rs 186 million to help enlightening the productivity of the agriculture sector by growing cotton cultivation area and production.

Cotton laboratory center initiative will not only help in the development of climate resilient cotton varieties but will also aid farmer’s community by lessening the need to invest in insecticides and pesticides and also make sure the reliability and productivity of agricultural cotton sector.

As the cotton crop is integral to the economic development of the country the cotton research laboratory ought to be prolific. Considering the concerns of cotton in Pakistan and the farmer’s community livelihood this productive project can lessen the rural Punjab poverty.

The Punjab planning department stated that, Under CPEC project China had agreed to provide Pakistan a grant of $1 billion for initiating joint cotton research center in Multan and many various projects across the country especially in underdeveloped areas.

The Pak-China joint venture will ultimately perk up, strengthen and assist the research activities regarding the significant crops of Pakistan.

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