Malaysian state uses digital tech AI to read rail tracks

Sarawak is looking at new technology for the planned Light Rail Transit (LRT) project which utilities Artificial Intelligence to ‘read’ the tracks.

Malaysian state uses digital tech AI to read rail tracks

Having the system in place would remove the need for conventional rails while bringing down the cost of the project.

“There is a new technology where you don’t have to have the (conventional) rail, but just the road system with the tracks that will be read by a device at the driver’s seat, and the train will follow the tracks without (using) the rail itself.

A Malaysian Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg
said at the launch of the 11th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia  that the system uses AI to read tracks is very cost effective.

On AI, Abang Johari said it will be the key driver in the state’s digital journey, which is why there is need to train people to understand the technology as well as to create the applications that will enhance economic development.

Sarawak is blessed with natural resources including agriculture and biodiversity. What we need is to develop our talents (who) can capitalize on these resources.

“For that, we need Big Data where you can analyse the data and this will enhance the use of the particular resource,” he added.