Pakistan's Crops Get Boost from Modern Farming Practices

Pakistan’s agricultural landscape holds immense potential for ensuring food security, driving economic prosperity, and fostering sustainable development

Pakistan’s agricultural landscape holds immense potential to ensure food security, drive economic prosperity, and foster sustainable development. Embracing a strategic approach, the Pakistan Hitech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) Chairman Shahzad Ali Malik emphasized the significance of horizontal and vertical expansion through the adoption of high-quality seeds and modern farming practices during a discussion with a delegation of agricultural experts led by Prof Dr. Muhammad Arshad Javed, Head of Plant Breeding and Genetics at Punjab University.

Malik underscored the necessity of a dual strategy to boost agricultural productivity, encompassing both horizontal and vertical growth. Horizontal expansion involves leveraging untapped lands, particularly in regions like Cholistan, to increase cultivation areas effectively. By reclaiming and efficiently utilizing such lands, Pakistan can substantially augment its agricultural output.

Vertical growth, Malik stressed, is equally vital for enhancing per-acre yield through the adoption of high-yielding quality seeds and modern agricultural techniques. Advanced seed technology and farming practices, he noted, have the potential to significantly elevate productivity without the need for additional land resources. Such an approach not only aligns with sustainable farming practices but also addresses the escalating demand for food security in the country.

Commending the recent initiative by the Prime Minister to crack down on the sale of substandard seeds by mafias, Malik highlighted the importance of proactive measures to uplift agricultural standards. The establishment of the National Seed Development and Regulatory Authority reflects a crucial step towards promoting the use of quality seeds and ensuring the availability of superior agricultural inputs to farmers nationwide.

Acknowledging the government’s efforts, PHHSA emphasizes the significance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in achieving agricultural development goals. Malik advocated for PHHSA’s representation as a stakeholder in the National Seed Development and Regulatory Authority, aiming to contribute expertise towards shaping policies and regulations that foster innovation and quality assurance in the seed industry.

Incorporating stakeholders’ perspectives, particularly from reputable associations like PHHSA, can facilitate the formulation of comprehensive strategies to address challenges hindering agricultural productivity, Malik argued. Collaboration among the public sector, industry players, and agricultural stakeholders is essential for implementing holistic approaches that promote sustainable growth and resilience in Pakistan’s agriculture sector.

The synergy between governmental initiatives, private sector participation, and academic expertise is crucial for harnessing Pakistan’s agricultural potential to its fullest. By promoting the adoption of high-quality seeds and modern farming practices, Pakistan can not only ensure food security but also drive economic prosperity and sustainable development across the nation.