UVAS Hosts Seminar Unveiling Nanopore Sequencing Technology

Nanopore Sequencing Technology represents a quantum leap in genetic analysis, allowing for the rapid and accurate sequencing of DNA or RNA molecules.

UVAS Hosts Seminar Unveiling Nanopore Sequencing Technology

The Institute of Microbiology (IOM) at the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore organized an insightful training session on the cutting-edge “Nanopore Sequencing Technology” at its City Campus.

The esteemed guest speaker, Dr. Muhammad Asif from the University of Leicester, UK, delivered a comprehensive lecture on this recently emerging technology. Director of IOM, Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed Anjum, along with Emeritus Prof. Dr. Masood Rabbani, Dr. Shahan Azeem, and a multitude of faculty members and eager students were in attendance. Dr. Asif not only elucidated the intricacies of the technology but also provided a live demonstration of its operation.

The primary objective of this enlightening seminar was to acquaint the scientific community at UVAS with the potential of this groundbreaking technology and how it can be harnessed to address contemporary challenges.

Nanopore Sequencing Technology represents a quantum leap in genetic analysis, allowing for the rapid and accurate sequencing of DNA or RNA molecules. Unlike traditional methods, this technology offers real-time, single-molecule sequencing, enabling a deeper understanding of genetic variations and structures.

Dr. Muhammad Asif’s expertise from the University of Leicester, a hub of scientific innovation, brought invaluable insights to the audience. His demonstration of the instrument’s functionality provided a tangible grasp of its application.

The seminar not only shed light on the theoretical underpinnings but also underscored the practical implications of Nanopore Sequencing Technology. It poised the attendees to explore new frontiers in genetic research, offering potential solutions to complex challenges in diverse scientific domains.

By facilitating such knowledge-sharing endeavors, UVAS reaffirms its commitment to advancing scientific inquiry and empowering its community with cutting-edge tools and insights that pave the way for innovative discoveries and solutions.

The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore is a public university located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It was established in 1882 as the Lahore Veterinary College and was elevated to the status of a university in 2002. UVAS is one of the leading veterinary and animal sciences universities in Pakistan and is ranked among the top 10 universities in the country.