Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium Held On World Alzheimer's Day

In commemoration of World Alzheimer’s Day, a thought-provoking symposium delving into recent strides in cognitive neuroscience took place at University of Karachi.

Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium Held On World Alzheimer's Day

In commemoration of World Alzheimer’s Day, a thought-provoking symposium delving into recent strides in cognitive neuroscience took place at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Karachi. Dr. Huma Ikram, a distinguished luminary in the field of neurosciences, delivered a keynote lecture, shedding light on the latest breakthroughs in cognitive neurosciences.

Dr. Ikram’s illuminating insights not only provided hope but also outlined actionable strategies for preventing and combatting these debilitating disorders, leaving an indelible mark on the captivated audience.

A standout feature of the symposium was the impressive array of presentations by M.Phil researchers and accomplished alumni. These dedicated scholars have channeled their academic endeavors towards unraveling the intricacies of memory disorders. Their innovative studies showcased promising avenues for enhancing cognitive functions, marking a pivotal moment in the pursuit of knowledge.

The symposium not only acknowledged the challenges but also highlighted the opportunities that lie ahead. Dr. Aftab Ahmed, President of NAYS, emphasized the critical importance of public awareness, early detection, and lifestyle interventions in mitigating the risk of memory disorders. He concluded with a resounding call to action, rallying all students to join forces in the battle against Alzheimer’s and related conditions.

Alzheimer’s is a relentless, neurodegenerative condition that commences with subtle memory lapses and subsequently intensifies. It stands as the predominant contributor to dementia, a broad term encompassing the erosion of memory, language proficiency, problem-solving aptitude, and other cognitive functions, to the extent that they disrupt everyday activities. Approximately 60-80% of dementia cases are attributed to Alzheimer’s disease.

While there is no definitive cure for Alzheimer’s, there exist interventions designed to alleviate its symptoms. These encompass pharmaceutical options, cognitive exercises, and adjustments to one’s lifestyle.

NAYS stands as a beacon, rallying young scientists, researchers, and professionals to a platform that fosters collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas across diverse scientific fields. With an advisory council comprising esteemed professors, NAYS offers an environment conducive to enriching knowledge and honing research skills.