The main goal was to “Promote the Nature Based Solutions for the Provision of Drinking Water Facilities in Cholistan Desert” using this significant day as a platform.

In celebration of World Water Day, the Regional Office of Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) in Bahawalpur organised a National Level Seminar with the theme “Accelerating the Change to Solve the Water and Sanitation Crises” in partnership with UNICEF and the IUB Civil Engineering Department.

The occasion was commemorated on March 21, 2023 at the PCRWR Dingarh Field Research Station in the Cholistan Desert. The main goal was to “Promote the Nature Based Solutions for the Provision of Drinking Water Facilities in Cholistan Desert” using this significant day as a platform.

The seminar was attended by about 100 people from different departments, organisations, academic students, and forward-thinking livestock farmers. At the conclusion of the presentation session, a field trip was organised as well. Press Club Bahawalpur received a press release for use in promoting this event in print media.

However, electronic media will broadcast presenter interviews and footage. The goal of World Water Day 2023 is to quicken change in order to address the water and sanitation crises. All major global issues—from health to hunger, gender equality to employment, education to industry, disasters to peace—are hampered by dysfunction in the water cycle.

The promise that everyone would have properly managed water and sanitation by 2030 was made by the world community in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda. Because their human rights to water and sanitation have not yet been met, billions of people and countless institutions like schools, businesses, hospitals, farms, and factories are being held back.

It is urgent to quicken change and move past “business as usual.” According to the most recent data, governments must work four times as quickly as usual to meet SDG 6 on schedule, but no one actor or group can resolve this issue alone. Everyone is impacted by water, so action is required from everyone.