Pakistani Invention Echotherapeutic Wave Device Wins US AUTM Award

“Our Pakistani colleagues deserve congratulations for coming up with their invention to improve the world for people with neurological diseases,” said the organization’s director.

Pakistani Invention Echotherapeutic Wave Device Wins US AUTM Award

On the final day of the “Association of University Technology Managers” (AUTM) in America, an Echotherapeutic Wave Device, a medical device created by a Pakistani university, won a significant award.

The recognition is given as part of the Better Place 2023 project and serves to highlight the unit’s commercial viability. Experts from Pakistan’s National University of Science and Technology College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CME) developed it.

By emitting waves, this device lessens conditions like autism and cerebral palsy. Echo was recognised as a significant invention in the final round of AUTM 2023, which was held in Austin, Texas, in the United States.

“Our Pakistani colleagues deserve congratulations for coming up with their invention to improve the world for people with neurological diseases,” said Steve Susalka, the organization’s director.

The “Echotherapeutic Wave Device,” as it is officially known, boosts nerve activity in the body and brain by sending out vibrational waves. The fact that Risetech Company has been granted the rights to produce it commercially is further evidence of the Pakistani invention’s commercial significance.

Speaking on the occasion, Mahfouz Ahmed, who works in technology transfer at NEST, said that we take pride in receiving the Better World Award and that Echo is our modest effort to make the world free of disabilities. It should be noted that this competition featured 40 inventions or innovations the previous year. Following the selection of the top three inventions, Pakistani Echo was given the prize, which is also an honour for the nation.

Around the world, the child may experience psychological and neurological issues due to pregnancy complications or a premature birth, and these diseases can also manifest later. Among them are autism, cerebral palsy, tongue neuropathy, and muscular atrophy.

However, Echo is also a successful treatment for two disorders, such as autism and cerebral palsy. It has also demonstrated success in treating other disorders, such as facial palsy, motor speech dysphasia, speech, writing, and chewing issues.

Another affordable, secure, and successful treatment is echo. Notably, the Pakistani invention received 1100 votes in total, which is also a fantastic development.

Two Echo models (versions), one for use at home and the other in a hospital or clinic, have been developed by Nest experts. While he has already received a TDF grant from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, his app is also available on the Google Store.

This invention has also been displayed at competitions in China, Holland, Germany, and the renowned “Falling Walls” event in Germany. Most importantly, Eco has already received seven patents, which is a positive development. Here is where you can learn more about Echo.