
According to a spokesperson maize was an important crop in Pakistan that played a critical role in meeting domestic food needs to the greatest extent possible.


Agriculture experts have advised growers to begin cultivating the Baharia maize crop as soon as possible because timely cultivation can yield 100 to 120 maunds per acre if the latest technologies are used.

According to a spokesperson for the Agriculture (Extension) Department, maize was an important crop in Pakistan that played a critical role in meeting domestic food needs to the greatest extent possible. Because this commodity had a high market value, it could also assist farmers in overcoming financial difficulties.

Growers should cultivate maize crops on as much land as possible and use seed from approved varieties such as YH-1898, FH-988, FH-1046, YH-5427, YH-5482, Gohar-19, Sahiwal Gold, Sumit Pop, Pop-1, Sweet-1, and Malka-2016. He stated that farmers should use cutting-edge technology to cultivate and harvest maize because manual cultivation wastes labour while increasing input costs.

Farmers could easily achieve 100-120 maunds per acre from their maize crops if they used modern cultivation techniques. As a result, they should seek immediate advice from agri-experts, and the agriculture department’s field staff has been activated to persuade, guide, and assist farmers in cultivating maize crops over the maximum amount of available land, he added.

According to the spokesperson, more than 2 million acres of land in Punjab have been brought under maize cultivation, and this commodity produces two crops per year. February is the best month for Baharia maize crop cultivation.

As a result, farmers should begin cultivating maize crops immediately and finish them as soon as possible, as late sowing could impede production while also negatively impacting grain quality and quantity, he added.

Growers should also use 8-10 kilograms of hybrid seed with a more than 90% growth rate for irrigated lands and 12-15 kilograms of seed for arid areas, he said.

Maize (also known as corn) is a cereal crop that is widely grown for food, feed, and industrial uses. It is one of the most important staple crops in the world, providing nutrition to billions of people and livestock.