Govt Urged To Explore Satellite Technology For Defence Systems

Malaysia must investigate advanced satellite technology for its national defence system, as many countries, particularly world powers, have already advanced in this direction.

Govt Urged To Explore Satellite Technology For Defence Systems

Malaysia must investigate advanced satellite technology for its national defence system, as many countries, particularly world powers, have already advanced in this direction.

Rear Admiral Datuk Shamsuddin Ludin, director general of cyber and electromagnetic defence for the Malaysian Armed Forces, stated that the development of satellite technology for the national defence system, including weaponry assets, requires local expertise to ensure its safe use.

“From the standpoint of global defence analysis, there is an increase in weaponry capabilities.” To what extent it is implemented (including the use of satellite weapons), we do not know, since all powers talk about a peaceful world.

“As a result, it is critical that we use satellite (technology) safely, including data transmission and security features. “We need to ensure that the technology is our own (home-developed) and not from a foreign country,” he said Tuesday after attending a Satellite Awareness Day at the ATM Haigate Complex on January 17.

He said this when asked to comment on the actions of the world’s major powers, particularly China, which is thought to be advancing weaponry technology through satellites.

To that end, Shamsuddin stated that the Armed Forces will provide input to the Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) for consideration in the National Space Policy 2023 (DAN 2030).

“The Armed Forces will support MYSA’s efforts to introduce new satellite-based technology for the national defence system, and we are confident that the agency has taken similar steps.

“”We have a representative in the agency as well, and we will provide input from the Armed Forces that can be noted and incorporated into DAN 2030,” he said.

ANGKASA, the National Space Agency of Malaysia, was established in 2002 to coordinate and develop the country’s space program. Its goals include the use and application of space technologies to upgrade and stimulate the space program.