Riphah, PCRWR Organises 7th International Water Conference 

The goal of 7IWC was to discuss Pakistan’s impending water crisis and climate change, identify gaps in policies and planning in the water and climate change sectors.

Riphah, PCRWR Organises 7th International Water Conference 

The 7th International Water Conference (7IWC) on “Water Security and Climate Change Adaptability” was organised by the Riphah Institute of Public Policy, Riphah International University, Pakistan Council of Research and Water Resources (PCRWR), and Water Aid in collaboration with the Federal Flood Commission, the University of Baltistan, Comsats University, and Mehran University, according to a press release.

The goal of 7th International Water Conference was to discuss Pakistan’s impending water crisis and climate change, identify gaps in policies and planning in the water and climate change sectors, and develop viable recommendations.

Hassan Muhammad Khan, Chancellor of Riphah International University; Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman of PCRWR; Arif Jabbar Khan, Country Director of Water Aid; and Ahmad Kamal, Chairman of the Federal Flood Commission, all spoke at the inauguration ceremony.

During the preliminary session, guest speakers stressed that Pakistan is at a critical juncture, with a pressing need to manage its rapidly declining per capita water availability, erratic river flows, and changing water regimes due to climate change. Water quality is not promising, which has a significant impact on the health and well-being of Pakistanis.

This was followed by four technical sessions on climate change and maritime security, glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF), water pollution and wastewater management, and the Islamic perspective on climate change.

Water security has been highlighted as an emerging national security challenge for Pakistan in various sessions. Water availability is critical in light of the growing population, agriculture, and other water-related uses. The impact of abnormal glacier melting, the lack of dams for rainwater storage, and the lack of smart agricultural watering methods must be examined using empirically validated arguments.

In Pakistan, water availability is further exacerbated by a lack of infrastructure for storing and managing water resources. For example, the country lacks sufficient dams and reservoirs to capture and store rainwater, which can lead to wastage and reduced availability during dry periods.

Additionally, inefficient irrigation practices, such as flood irrigation, can lead to the overuse and mismanagement of water resources in the agricultural sector.

To address these challenges, it will be important for Pakistan to adopt more efficient and sustainable water management practices. This could include the use of smart irrigation technologies, the construction of more storage infrastructure, and the adoption of policies and regulations to promote responsible water use.

It will also be important for the government and other stakeholders to invest in research and development to better understand the impacts of climate change on water availability and to develop strategies for adapting to these changes.