Tranche4 of MFF Aims To Increase Pool Of Female Technical Personnel

ADB has approved $0.2 million in technical assistance to support implementation of Tranche 4 of MFF for Pakistan’s Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program.

Tranche4 of MFF Aims To Increase Pool Of Female Technical Personnel

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved $0.2 million in technical assistance to support the implementation of Tranche 4 of the multi-tranche financing facility (MFF) for Pakistan’s Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program. The goal of this subproject is to increase the pool of potential female technical and managerial personnel for the power sector.

According to official documents, it will specifically address the low participation of women in technical and leadership services at the National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited (NDTC) by promoting a workplace environment with equal opportunities for recruitment, skill development, and professional advancement of female personnel.

Gender policies and mechanisms will be established at the NDTC to promote workplace equality. Within NDTC, these include personnel recruitment, skill development, grievance management, and staff promotion.

To promote responsible investment within the NDTC’s corporate practises, gender-responsive community outreach approaches will be integrated into the internship and scholarship programmes. As part of the NDTC’s gender-responsive sustainable business practises, it will also incorporate community-based skill development for women. .

These will be expanded to include community-based capacity building for women in order to increase their access to indirect employment in NDTC-related services such as food services for workers and health and social services.

Designing and implementing these actions will necessitate gender diagnostics, community consultations, and training for personnel, women in communities surrounding NDTC areas of operation, and female students of STEM and technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

The multi-tranche financing facility (MFF) is a flexible financing instrument that the ADB uses to support large-scale investment programs in member countries.

Tranche 4 of the MFF for Pakistan’s Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program is a specific financing package that has been approved by the ADB to support the implementation of this investment program in Pakistan. The technical assistance provided by the ADB will help Pakistan implement this program effectively.

The Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program aims to improve the reliability and efficiency of Pakistan’s power transmission system, and to increase the capacity of the system to meet the growing demand for electricity in the country.

This program is expected to benefit the people of Pakistan by providing a more reliable and efficient power transmission system, which will help support economic growth and development in the country.