MUST Secures Rs. 35m To Establish Business Incubation Centre

Every fresh graduate of the MUST varsity will emerge as an ambassador of the varsity by contributing to the development of the country, according to the VC (MUST).

MUST Secures Rs. 35m To Establish Business Incubation Centre

Brig. (Retd.) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed, (Sitara e Imtiaz Military), Vice Chancellor of the state-run Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur, announced on Thursday that ORIC MUST had successfully secured Rs. 35 million in funding for the establishment of the business Incubation Centre of its own kind in the region to promote startup culture.

Last year, two MUST startups took first place in the USAID TIE Startup Competition, demonstrating the region’s enormous potential for valuable startups.

Establishing a business incubation centre in a region can be a great way to promote a startup culture and encourage the development of new businesses. This can have a number of benefits for the region, including creating jobs, boosting the local economy, and fostering innovation.

According to the VC (MUST), every fresh graduate of the MUST varsity will emerge as an ambassador of the varsity by contributing to the development of the country.

Brigadier Younus Javed spoke on the sidelines about the university’s major exceptional achievements of the 7th convocation of his university late Thursday, saying that 14933 graduates, 13875 BS, 1041 MS/MPhils, and 17 PhDs in different degree programmes have been produced by Mirpur University.

“A total of 2784 students were awarded degrees this year including 2686 BS, 94 MS/ MPhil and 4 PhDs while 48 students were decorated with Gold Medals in the convocation.

Brig. (Retd.) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed stressed that MUST faculty members have made significant contributions to the research field. During the fiscal year 2021–2022, 332 research papers with an Impact Factor of 1072.888 were published in prestigious international journals.

We are very focused on the fact that our research should be directed toward solving local problems and finding solutions through the use of indigenous resources.

MUST’s “Selftech” startup received the Pasha Innovation Award from PASHA ICT for its contribution to the field of autonomous vehicles. He stated that ORIC MUST successfully held the first industrial exhibition last year, which was attended by stakeholders from national universities as well as industries.

It should be noted here that, thanks to the unwavering efforts of the current university administration, the abandoned construction work has been resumed and is being completed at a rapid pace. Academic Block-II (basic and social sciences), as well as three multi-story buildings housing faculty and staff.

Aside from the residences, two state-of-the-art student hostels, one for boys and one for girls, with a housing capacity of 205 students each, are scheduled to be completed by the end of March next year.