Five State-of-the-Art Engineering Universities To Be Built In Pakistan

According to the minister, it is critical that all political parties work together to put the country on the path to progress and prosperity.

Five State-of-the-Art Engineering Universities To Be Built In Pakistan

The Federal Minister for Planning and Development announced on Thursday that five state-of-the-art engineering universities would be built in the country for Rs 7.5 billion. On Thursday, he spoke at the inauguration of the administrative block at the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore. He stated that every scientific laboratory at engineering universities would be outfitted with latest technology in order to produce excellent engineers.

In his address to UET students, he stated that India and Bangladesh were far ahead of Pakistan in economic development, and that if the young generation does not prioritise research, Afghanistan may overtake Pakistan in the coming years. According to the Federal Minister, Pakistan is not underdeveloped, but rather undermanaged. “Why are we still struggling despite having wonderful natural resources?” he wondered.

He stated that in the 1980s, per capita income was $300 US dollars, whereas in China, it was $200 US dollars, and that the country had surplus electricity in 1998, which it planned to sell to India. The country was then forced to impose martial law, and the US pushed it into the Afghanistan war, he recalled. The country then experienced the worst load-shedding since 2006–07, with people subjected to 16-hour load-shedding, he added.

He stated that the country was facing bombings in 2013 and that returning home safely was considered a blessing almost every day. According to the minister, the then-prime minister introduced Vision 2025, which was signed by all provincial governments, but he was then deposed.

He claimed that climate change would cost the country $300 billion. “We saved the country from bankruptcy during this period,” he said, adding that the country had to face hardships as a result of political instability. According to the minister, it is critical that all political parties work together to put the country on the path to progress and prosperity. He stated that a leader always unites a nation in crisis and that every adversity should be met with courage and patience.

Originally published at Daily Times