
1LINK Offering Reliable, Scalable And Secure Financial Services To Banks And Payments Industry For Over 16 Years And For 10th Straight Year.

1LINK Has Been Offering Reliable, Scalable And Secure Financial Services To Banks And Payments Industry For Over  16 Years And For The 10th Straight Year, has been re-certified for PCI DSS after a comprehensive audit and review  process under the PCI standard framework.

“The competence and understanding of 1LINK management and the security of the systems under management  is proof to a sound and secure organization. It has been a great pleasure working with 1LINK through this  certification project” said Mr. Syed Muhammad Saad, Director, Compliance Wing.

Cybersecurity is characteristically a focus area for the banking and payments industry, and the PCI DSS certification reaffirms 1LINK Pakistan’s continued commitment towards security of financial services. PCI mandates the  generation, transmission, and storage of cardholder data in a securely managed and encapsulated environment,  providing confidence to the players in the industry as well ensuring security for the end consumer.

“Becoming compliant to PCI DSS is a demonstration that 1LINK infrastructure and systems meets the highest  modern specification for security within the banking and payment card industries” said Mr. Imran Ahmed Siddiqui,  Director Business Operations, Compliance Wing.

Mr. Najeeb Agrawalla, CEO 1LINK said “Security is our top priority and there are no compromises on this front. At  1LINK, we strive to provide a secure and robust digital payment eco-system and convenient financial solutions  through sustainable innovation concurrently creating value for the payments industry. The Management and BOD  is committed to continue strengthening 1LINK’s security posture to thwart the ever-increasing cyber threats.”

“PCI DSS is a well-known standard pertaining to payment cards industry and our commitment to security is  reflected in obtaining this certificate for the 10th consecutive year. We are glad to work with a Pakistani firm accredited to certify PCI DSS this year” commented Mr. Syed Suleman Hasan, CRO & CA 1LINK.