Ahsan Jamil

THE BIOLOGICAL diversity has turned out to be alarmingly corrupted in the last decade, to the degree that species elimination is assessed to be happening almost 1000 times speedier than standard levels. Patterns may keep expanding this century, ringing the alarm bells to the policy makers and the other stakeholders of the country.

A consultative meeting was sorted out jointly by the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) and International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Pakistan to discuss possible results of interpolating biosafety stresses into the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). The aim of the meeting was to mull for a bigger change by adapting little things and formulating laws and biosafety protocols in national biodiversity plan so to fortify its results and extract maximum productivity from the guidelines.

Dr Zabita Shinwari of Department of Biotechnology, Quaid-e-Azam University was that micro-organisms could grasp themselves quickly when diverged from the compex microorganisms like animals and plants etc.

Dr Romana Iftikhar of National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) conveyed her stress that Cartagena Protocol just secured living creatures and not the things. She felt that there was a need to develop new traditions that secured both. The experts said it was irritating that basic things were being supplanted with made things.

The biosafety protocols need to be incorporated in the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) with the aim that new driving force towards preservation and reasonable improvement of natural assets. With numerous nations and areas during the time spent changing their laws and establishments to execute these global instruments for sustainable development, there is a squeezing requirement for legitimate ability, examination and counsel in this rising field of research.

The biggest fiasco is that the products from Pakistan have been patented by foreign countries which could incite negative impacts for Pakistan; this was also enumerated by the speakers at the consultative meeting.

Perceiving the critical and un-quantifiable worth and extraordinary significance of biodiversity for our presence, wellbeing and recognizing the conceivable unfavorable effects of GMOs on the earth are imperative premises that must be considered amid any choice making procedure. The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and also the Act on GMOs are suggesting usage of the prudent guideline at whatever point there are questions in light of research and at whatever point it is critical to settle on with respect to arrival of GMOs into the earth. The government must take these measures seriously and the suggestions popped out from the consultative meeting are naturally important for Pakistan to adapt in order to hone for sustainable development goals.

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