STAFF REPORT ISB:The United States affirmed support for DiamerBhasha Dam and committed to invest in renewable energy projects in Pakistan. Pakistan`s energy crisis can be countered through support of local and international stakeholders. The renewable energies can play vital role in combating the energy challenge.

The expression of interest and concreteness of intent of investing in energy sector was rolled out in a meeting held between USAID Administrator of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Larry Sampler and Federal Minister for Finance, Muhammad Ishaq Dar. Senior officials of USAID and US Embassy were also present on the occasion.

Larry Sampler said, “The USAID is committed for sustainable growth in Pakistan and investing in the energy sector is the sequence of the long thread of cooperation between Pakistan and US which will further strengthen the bilateral relation of both countries. The projects like DiamerBhasha Dam are crucial for resurrection energy sector in Pakistan”.

The cooperation intent of USAID was greatly appreciated by Minister who said Pakistan`s economy is on rise and projects like these would be a great oxygen for country`s disheveled power sector and meeting the challenge in the most appropriate and planned manner”.

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