Morocco Hosts Inaugural Electronic Gaming Expo in Rabat

Morocco held its inaugural electronic gaming exhibition in Rabat, the country’s capital, last week, marking a key milestone in the country’s rapidly growing gaming sector.

Morocco held its inaugural electronic gaming exhibition in Rabat, the country’s capital, last week, marking a key milestone in the country’s rapidly growing gaming sector. The Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication organised the Morocco Gaming Expo with the goal of promoting growth and innovation in the gaming industry as well as showcasing the nation’s potential.

The event, held from May 24 to May 26, featured four main sections designed to engage a diverse range of participants and attendees. The display area was a focal point, housing over 70 exhibitors, including startups and game developers, who showcased their latest projects and innovations. This section provided a platform for developers to network and present their work to a broader audience.

A dedicated conference section brought together 50 industry experts who shared their insights and experiences. These sessions covered various aspects of the gaming industry, offering valuable knowledge to attendees about current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the global gaming market.

One of the key attractions of the expo was a tournament that hosted 100 players, creating an exciting atmosphere of competition and camaraderie. This section drew significant attention from gamers eager to showcase their skills and compete for prizes. Additionally, there was a section focused on promoting exchange and cooperation, facilitating discussions and partnerships among industry stakeholders.

Investment companies also had a significant presence at the expo, with representatives seeking opportunities to collaborate with promising gaming startups. This interest from investors highlighted the growing recognition of the gaming industry’s economic potential in Morocco.

A standout moment of the fair was the attendance of Takaya Imamura, a renowned independent video game developer and artist with a distinguished 30-year career at Nintendo. Imamura’s presence attracted large crowds of fans eager to meet him and receive signed cards. His participation underscored the international appeal and connections the expo aimed to cultivate.

Nissrine Souissi, the director of the fair, emphasized the event’s goal of familiarizing visitors with the electronic gaming industry’s potential. She announced that the Ministry is working on establishing the Rabat Gaming City, a dedicated hub for the gaming industry, set to open in September 2025. This initiative aims to bring together key players in the industry and attract foreign investment, further solidifying Morocco’s position in the global gaming landscape.

The successful execution of the Morocco Gaming Expo marks a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to develop its gaming industry, promising exciting developments in the years to come.