Punjab Government Bans Five Cough Syrups Over Contamination Concerns

The Punjab government in Pakistan has banned the sale of five cough syrups due to concerning contamination results, as per the advice of DRAP.

Punjab Government Bans Five Cough Syrups Over Contamination Concerns

The Punjab government in Pakistan has banned the sale of five cough syrups due to concerning contamination results, as per the advice of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP).

The syrups in question, including Mucorid Syrup, Ulcofin Suspension, Alergo Syrup, Emidone Suspension, and Zincell Syrup, are manufactured by Pharmix Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd, a Lahore-based company. These goods are exported to several nations in addition to being sold in the regional market.

The DRAP’s action comes after the World Health Organization (WHO) detected the presence of contaminants, diethylene glycol (DEG), and ethylene glycol (EG), in the Alergo Syrup, which had been exported to the Maldives.

A subsequent investigation led to the ban and recall of specific batches of the identified cough syrups. Additionally, DRAP suspects the presence of impurities in other batches, prompting heightened scrutiny.

The backdrop of this ban reveals a concerning trend between 2022 and 2023, where several countries reported incidents of oral liquid drugs, intended for children, being contaminated with elevated levels of DEG and EG. These contaminants resulted in severe adverse events and fatalities in some instances.

The manufacturing company, Pharmix Laboratories, has been instructed to promptly recall the defective batches from the market.

Pharmacists and chemists are advised to cease supplying the identified batches, quarantine remaining stock, and return it to the supplier or the company. DRAP, along with Provincial Health Departments, is intensifying surveillance to ensure the effective recall of the compromised products.

DRAP urges heightened vigilance within the supply chains of institutions, pharmacies, and healthcare facilities likely affected by the identified batch of products.

Healthcare professionals are encouraged to report adverse reactions or quality issues related to the use of these products to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) using the provided Adverse Event Reporting Form.

Consumers are strongly advised to discontinue the use of products bearing the affected batch numbers and promptly contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any issues related to the use of these cough syrups.

Incidents should be reported to the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan/National Pharmacovigilance Centre. The public is reminded to procure therapeutic goods exclusively from licensed pharmacies and authorized retail outlets, emphasizing the need to verify product authenticity and condition.

In summary, the swift government action and regulatory measures underscore the commitment to public health and safety, urging thorough adherence to recall instructions and heightened vigilance within the healthcare supply chain.