
Ma arrived in Lahore on June 29 and stayed there for 23 hours, according to Muhammad Azfar Ahsan, a former chairman of BOI, who confirmed the visit to media.


Jack Ma, a well-known Chinese billionaire and co-founder of the Alibaba Group, surprised observers by travelling to Pakistan. Ma arrived in Lahore on June 29 and stayed there for 23 hours, according to Muhammad Azfar Ahsan, a former chairman of the Board of Investment (BOI), who confirmed the visit to media.

Co-founder of the Alibaba Group, made a point of stressing that it was purely a personal visit and purposefully avoided speaking with reporters and government officials. He lived in a discreet area and flew out on June 30 in a private aircraft with the registration number VP-CMA that was owned by Jet Aviation.

Despite the secrecy surrounding Ma’s visit’s objective at this time, Ahsan expressed optimism that Pakistan would benefit from Ma’s visit in the near future. Ma was accompanied by a delegation of seven businessmen, five of whom were Chinese, one was Danish, and one was American. They travelled from Nepal to Pakistan on a chartered flight operated by Hong Kong’s business aviation industry.

Social media users speculated that Ma and his team were meeting with influential businessmen and representatives from various chambers of commerce, as well as visiting trade centres and exploring business opportunities in Pakistan. There has, however, been no confirmation of any specific business meetings or deals.

Ahsan clarified in a tweet that Ma’s visit was solely for personal reasons. He noted that it was interesting that not even the Chinese embassy was informed about Ma’s visit and activities there.

According to P@SHA Chairman Zohaib Khan in an interview with media, “Although it was a personal visit, it helped improve Pakistan’s reputation from a tourism standpoint. Khan believed that the Pakistani government should have seized the chance to meet Ma and benefit from his extensive knowledge of the IT industry. Even a statement from Ma about Pakistan’s IT industry, he claimed, would have a big impact.

Waqas Ghani Kukaswadia, an analyst at JS Global, noted that the visit by Ma and other foreign investors shows their understanding of Pakistan’s enormous potential and their sincere interest in investigating investment opportunities.

Nasheed Malik, an ICT analyst at Topline Securities, emphasised Pakistan’s quick adoption of digitalization and speculated that Ma might be looking for investment opportunities there. Pakistan offers a promising opportunity for investors like Jack Ma due to its status as an emerging market and less intense competition when compared to Western nations.

The true significance of Ma’s visit, in the opinion of some experts, such as startup investment specialist Kapeel Kumar, may not be immediately apparent. Instead, they think it may just be a coincidence. Pakistan’s young population and growing economy could attract Alibaba, as Pakistan’s strategic importance and involvement in China’s Belt and Road Initiative make it a key partner for Chinese investments.

Ma’s visit aims to strengthen ties between Alibaba and Pakistan and promote Chinese investment. Ma’s personal interests align with Pakistan’s need for education and development investment, as a philanthropist with a keen interest in these areas.