Commission Responding To ECI's Save Bees And Farmers

Bees provide a crucial ecological service, protecting the balance of nature, encouraging plant reproduction, and advancing food security in the face of climate change.

Commission Responding To ECI's Save Bees And Farmers

To honour the importance of bees and other pollinators in the ecosystem, World Bee Day observed on May 20, 2023. In Africa, achieving food sovereignty and preserving biodiversity depend on bees. Bees also help to reduce climate change.

Bees provide a crucial ecological service, protecting the balance of nature, encouraging plant reproduction, and advancing food security in the face of climate change. This opinion piece examines the role bees play in protecting biodiversity, reducing climate change, and achieving food sovereignty in Africa.

Pollination is the process of enabling plants to grow and diversify, which preserves the web of life on our planet. This process is essential in Africa due to its biodiversity and environmental difficulties.

Bees play a significant role in preserving biodiversity, reducing climate change, and promoting food sovereignty. To ensure a sustainable future for Africa’s ecosystems, agriculture, and communities, we must understand and utilise the power of these resourceful animals.

Pollinators like bees are essential for preserving Africa’s biodiversity. Ngo Bieng et al. (2019) found that bees help pollinate more than 70% of flowering plants worldwide. This is especially noteworthy given the extensive floral diversity of Africa, as many plant species would struggle to reproduce and survive without bees.

Smith et al. (2022) found that the complex relationship between bees and plants is the basis for biodiversity, contributing to the preservation of genetic diversity and the preservation of botanical treasures.

Bees are essential for food security in Africa due to their direct impact on agricultural productivity. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), bees are necessary for at least a portion of 75% of the world’s food crops.

Klein et al. (2021) found that bee-pollinated crops produce more, are more nutrient-dense, and are more resistant to environmental stressors. This resilience is essential for food production in areas vulnerable to climate change, such as parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

Africa’s food sovereignty, or the ability of communities to design their own food and agricultural systems, depends on bees. According to Roder et al. (2020), bees increase crop yields and quality in agricultural landscapes, allowing small-scale farmers to produce more food for domestic consumption and markets.

Bees assist agroecological practises, which support cultural traditions, sustainable farming practises, and the preservation of biodiversity. African farmers can create resilient, self-sufficient food systems that are consistent with their cultural values and that respect the environment by promoting the adoption of pollinator-friendly practises.

A variety of ecosystem services provided by bees support the overall health and efficiency of African ecosystems. Goulson et al. (2015) stress the significance of preserving diverse bee populations as measures of the resilience and health of ecosystems.

Through their pollination function, they also support soil fertility and nutrient cycling. Winfree et al. (2015) emphasise the significance of bees in maintaining ecosystem resilience by highlighting the positive correlation between bee diversity and plant reproduction.

In Africa, traditional healing methods and the reproduction of medicinal plants depend on bees. According to Njoroge et al. (2020), bees play a crucial part in the propagation of medicinal plants and the maintenance of conventional medical procedures. Many communities in Africa now depend on beekeeping as a major economic activity and source of income due to the high market demand for products like honey, beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly.

According to Chihombori-Quao et al. (2018), beekeeping has the potential to reduce poverty and enhance rural residents’ quality of life.

Organizations can help communities by supporting beekeeping initiatives, offering training, and facilitating market access to enable them to generate sustainable income while protecting bee populations.

Despite being of utmost importance, bees in Africa are threatened by a number of factors that endanger both their populations and the services they offer. Bees face a serious problem with habitat loss as a result of land conversion, deforestation, and urbanisation.

Pesticide use also poses a risk. These dangers are made worse by climate change, which changes the timing of flowering and throws off the delicate balance between bees and plants. Governments must enact laws that safeguard bee habitats, encourage sustainable farming practises, and forbid the use of pesticides in order to combat these threats.

By cultivating pollinator-friendly gardens, protecting natural habitats, and implementing agroecological practises, local communities and farmers can support bee conservation.

Innovative solutions must be developed through international partnerships with regional groups and academic institutions. The African Bee Research Network may seek to advance knowledge of African bees, their diversity, and the difficulties they encounter in collaboration with groups like the African Biodiversity Network and the International Bee Research Association.

It is crucial to educate the public about the value of bees and their contribution to biodiversity, climate change mitigation, and food sovereignty. Educational initiatives in communities and schools can encourage bee conservation and foster a sense of stewardship in the next generation.

Adults and farmers can be involved in public campaigns, workshops, and beekeeping training programmes to foster a greater understanding of bees and their role in sustainable development.

“Bees are a vital component of biodiversity and ecosystem health. Their function cannot be replaced. Because of this, the African Biodiversity Network (ABN) resolutely assists communities all over the continent in reclaiming their resilience against harmful and alien environmental practises that endanger bees and other living things. Bees, despite their diminutive size, are incredibly important to life on Earth”, said African Biodiversity Network (ABN) General Coordinator Dr. Fassil Gebeyehu.