GPT4 Chatbot Still Needs To Go Long Way Before Making Legal Decisions

According to Mr. Younus, a Berlin-based employee, ChatGPT can only “provide clues” at the moment because it bases its responses on scant amount of data that it has been trained on.

GPT4 Chatbot Still Needs To Go Long Way Before Making Legal Decisions

An additional district and sessions judge recently asked the cutting-edge question of How can GPT4 Chatbot aid a judge in reaching a decision in a legal case? while deliberating over a juvenile suspect’s bail request.

It only serves as a subtle hint about how fascinated people are with the opportunities that artificial intelligence opens up for professionals from all spheres of life.

Although ChatGPT and its competitors have been making headlines around the world for a while, Pakistan hasn’t embraced the chatbot’s potential as quickly as experts and researchers from other regions of the world have.

ADSJ Muhammad Amir Munir of Phalia in Mandi Bahauddin had questioned Chatbot GPT4 on the legal issue of whether a minor could be eligible for post-arrest bail after putting together his order.

The judge noted that while the chatbot’s responses showed that there is still a long way to go before legal professionals can rely on AI, if judges build relationships with chatbot programmes like ChatGPT or Google Bard and ask the right questions based on the information, circumstances, and facts of a case, it can ease the burden on the human mind by providing pertinent and trustworthy answers.

For context, consider the GPT4 chatbot, which was created by the OpenAI research facility. It is intended to produce responses to text-based prompts that are human-like.

The language model AI is capable of providing guidance and assistance with tasks like writing emails, essays, and programme code. But the judge isn’t the only one experimenting with the potential uses of the AI chatbot for his line of work.

If AI could be useful in a variety of fields where language plays a significant role, experts from a variety of fields, including technology, content writing, and design, have been consulted.

Software development engineer Faizan Younus described the use of AI chatbots for large language models as a paradigm shift in the way programming errors are fixed. According to a recent working paper from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, professionals using ChatGPT increased their output by more than 20% while completing tasks in half the time.

But according to Mr. Younus, a Berlin-based employee, ChatGPT can only “provide clues” at the moment because it bases its responses on the scant amount of data that it has been trained on.

Majid Raza, the University of Utara Malaysia’s peer review coordinator for the Journal of Intercultural Communication, told Dawn that it was too soon to form opinions about emerging technology.

“Basic research work, such as writing a first draught or figuring out theories related to the study, can be performed with the help of AI chatbots,” he said. According to Mr. Raza’s observations, AI chatbots cannot construct sophisticated arguments or write academic papers like humans can.

A software solutions provider named Yasir Shah claims that the “basic structure” of a website can be created using AI. In order to find and fix bugs in their programme code, beginner programmers, like students, may find this technology to be especially useful.

It’s important to note that Stack Overflow, a website for programmers and software developers, has removed the ChatGPT feature because “the average rate of getting correct answers from it is too low, the posting of answers created by chatbot is substantially harmful to the site and to users who are asking and looking for correct answers.” Before programmers start using ChatGPT and its many clones to fix their broken codes, however.

Midjourney, an AI image generator, created fake images of former US president Donald Trump being arrested in New York, which went viral. This gives hope to graphic designers like Munawar Bukhari.

AI Chatbots are not sophisticated enough to create illustrations on command, but tools such as Midjourney and the launch of AI art generators by the likes of Adobe and Nvidia could change the design world.

However, those who think AI may be coming for their jobs have little to worry about. Usman Javed, a freelance content writer from Lahore, warns that ChatGPT may generate repetitive responses.