Governments should adopt digitalization as a citizen-centric national policy for efficient and effective governance, COMSATS Executive Director Ambassador Dr. Nafees Zakaria urged.

Govts Urged To Adopt Digitalization For Efficient, Effective Governance

Governments should adopt digitalization as a citizen-centric national policy for efficient and effective governance, COMSATS Executive Director Ambassador Dr. Nafees Zakaria urged.

He was speaking to the 22nd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA), a technical advisory body of the UN tasked with aiding the work of its Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in regards to the development and promotion of public administration and governance among Member States, particularly in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in support of the implementation and review of SDGs.

In order to share expert opinions on “Stimulating public sector innovation through digital technology and measuring the impact of digital government,” the Executive Director of COMSATS was invited. Yesterday at UN Headquarters in New York, a session on the theme of “Urgently Transforming Institutions for a Greener, More Inclusive, and More Resilient World at a Time of Multiple Crises” took place.

The real challenge, according to Ambassador Zakaria, will be how we use technology to lessen the effects of the impending economic crisis. He recommended that governments pursue digitalization as a citizen centric national policy initiative.

He remarked that the pandemic COVID-19 was greatly aided by digitalization and that it significantly improved the global economy by largely bridging the employment gap caused by social isolation and distance.

He proposed joint efforts to close the knowledge, technology, and resource gaps after observing the growing technological divide and the capacity between developed and developing nations. He said that by utilising the knowledge and scientific prowess of the COMSATS member states, the organisation is working towards the goal of self-reliance.

COMSATS has launched and carried out successful transformation citizen-centric programmes that enable and improve collaboration between citizens, governmental entities, and pertinent private sector industry participants, and COMSATS is open to partnership, he also told the crowd.