Transmission Lines In Thar To Help Transport Electricity To Pakistan: PM

The establishment of energy transmission lines in Thar, which will help transport electricity to the rest of Pakistan, was announced by the prime minister on Wednesday.

Transmission Lines In Thar To Help Transport Electricity To Pakistan: PM

The establishment of energy transmission lines in Thar, which will help transport electricity to the rest of Pakistan, was announced by the prime minister on Wednesday. He expressed his gratitude to China and Shanghai Electric for carrying out the development work.

Speaking to the crowd at the opening of two projects in Thar, he urged all parties involved to finish installing the transmission lines by the deadline.

Prime minister stated that, Pakistan has a great opportunity to produce electricity thanks to that coal. “Around 2,200 MW of energy is produced at Thar, saving Pakistan billions of dollars in imports and other expenses.”

According to him, the Thar coal deposits have “provided a lifeline to Pakistan” as a result of the recent global spike in coal prices. The economy will occasionally benefit from energy production, the PM emphasised, and there will be a growth pattern similar to that of Karachi.

The next phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), according to the prime minister, will concentrate on trade, agriculture, economy, technology, and special economic zones.

He thanked China for its contribution to the project. I will speak with Chinese officials to hasten phase II work, he said. “CPEC is a key component of this government’s plan to lift Pakistan out of crisis.”

Additionally, he declared that a hospital would be built in Thar for the benefit of the local populace. In an effort to provide affordable electricity to the general public and preserve foreign exchange reserves, the Pakistani prime minister called for the creation of a policy to convert all of the country’s coal-based power plants to Thar coal last year.

He had lamented the high cost of residential and commercial electricity in Pakistan. According to the PM, the government will initially use both foreign and Thar coal to generate electricity in Pakistan’s coal-based power plants before gradually switching exclusively to Thar coal.

This can save $6 to $7 billion annually, so we should create a specific policy for it, he said. For Pakistan, this initiative “will prove to be a game-changer.” He claimed that doing so would also assist businesses in producing inexpensive goods, which would lower inflation overall. He further stated that thousands of jobs were being created by the Thar coal project.