COMSTECH Organises Randomized Clinical Trials Training In Uganda

Clinical trials, according to Mr. Mussinov, offer a solid scientific foundation for future advancements in the medical sciences.

COMSTECH Organises Randomized Clinical Trials Training In Uganda

A two-day training on “Randomized Clinical Trials” was organised by COMSTECH in association with the Islamic University of Uganda in Kampala, Uganda. Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary, the coordinator general of COMSTECH, welcomed the online training workshop participants.

According to him, the goal of this training is to increase capacity in the crucial field of clinical trials for drug development.

He said that the clinical trials conducted as per international standards, following the principles of good clinical practices, the healthcare code of ethics, and biosafety, and in compliance with regulatory and sponsor requirements are critically important for the successful outcome of the drug, vaccine, biological, and even diagnostics development processes.

He emphasised the significance of OIC nation growth and increased participation in this area. He said that the goal of this international workshop is to close the capacity gap.

This is a crucial step in the protracted process of a drug, biologic, or vaccine moving from the preclinical stage to a clinically validated product, according to Dr. Choudhary. Askar Mussinov, assistant secretary general of the OIC for science and technology, posted his message online.

In support of this two-day training, he said, I am thrilled to share this message with you all. COMSTECH and IUIU’s joint initiative is supported by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), according to him, who also emphasised the vital role that clinical trials play in the creation of safe and effective treatments for both common and undertreated diseases.

Clinical trials, according to Mr. Mussinov, offer a solid scientific foundation for future advancements in the medical sciences. He stated that it is crucial for OIC states to build this sector’s foundation and capacity for discussion and the development of new medications.

Dr. Ammad Fahim, a COMSTECH consultant on health initiatives, Dr. Abdur Rashid, a programme officer for COMSTECH, Ms. Maham Yameen, the head and consultant nephrologist at Maroof International Hospital, Prof. Dr. Mujtaba Quadri, the director of ORIC at Indus Hospital, and Prof. Dr. Khalid Saeed Khan, a distinguished scholar for COMSTECH, also took part in the training from Pakistan. More than 100 participants from around the world took part online, while 60 researchers from Uganda attended the training in person.