Dr. Arif Masud Appoints As President of Prestigious SES, USA

Dr. Arif Masud’s election as President of the Society of Engineering Science is a noteworthy accomplishment and acknowledgement of his contributions to the engineering community.

Dr. Arif Masud Appoints As President of Prestigious SES, USA

The esteemed Society of Engineering Science (SES), USA, has appointed Dr. Arif Masud as its president. His election as President of the Society of Engineering Science (SES) is a noteworthy accomplishment and acknowledgement of his contributions to the engineering community.

Dr. Arif Masud said, “It is an honour to lead the SES in 2023. I will work to develop opportunities to strengthen our Society and our community in new, efficient, and enjoyable ways.”

Arif Masud is the John and Eileen Blumenschein Professor of Mechanics and Computations in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Grainger Champaign’s College of Engineering.

He also shares a joint appointment with the Carle-Illinois College of Medicine as Professor of Biomedical and Translational Sciences.

Dr. Masud has made fundamental and innovative contributions to the development of residual-based turbulence models, biofluid dynamics, non-Newtonian fluids, and mixture theory models for coupled chemo-thermo-mechanical problems. He has also worked on stabilised and variational multiscale methods for fluid and solid mechanics.

Dr. Masud is currently the Associate Editor (AE) of the International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering. Previously, he was the AE of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, the ASME Journal of Engineering Mechanics, and the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. He previously served as the Chair of the ASME Fluid Mechanics Committee as well as the ASCE Computational Mechanics Committee.

He served as an at-large member of the USACM Executive Committee from 2012 to 2016, an at-large member of the AMD-ASME Executive Committee from 2009 to 2011, and a Charter Member of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (2008).

He has held the positions of co-chair for the 2019 Finite Elements in Flow Problems Conference, general conference chair for the Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference of ASME (McMAT-2011), and co-chair for the 2020 Virtual Conference of the Society of Engineering Science.

Prof. Masud was chosen for a three-year term on the Board of Governors of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI of ASCE) and the Board of Directors of the Society of Engineering Science (2020-2023). Dr. Masud is a Fellow of USACM, IACM, AAM, ASME, EMI, and SES as well as an Associate Fellow of AIAA. The 2019 G.I. Taylor Medal was given to him by the Society of Engineering Science.