UET Mardan: Initiates Strategic Plan Targeting Grants & Entrepreneurship

There is an urgent need to educate people, especially youth, about the concept and requirements of emerging green markets in the world, according to Dr. Ansir Advi.

UET Mardan: Initiates Strategic Plan Targeting Grants & Entrepreneurship

It is urgently necessary to promote “green entrepreneurship” in order to combat the threat by refocusing businesses’ attention on social profit in addition to economic gain, while admitting that climate change is a harsh reality that negatively affects life on planet Earth.

This observation was made in a podcast hosted by the Institute of Urbanization (IoU), a group working to make cities greener, and made by Dr. Ansir Ali Rajput, Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Center at Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST).

IoU regularly hosts a variety of events, including workshops, webinars, podcasts, and a fellowship program for journalists, to raise public awareness of the need for society to adopt contemporary practices for environmental protection and the pursuit of sustainable development goals.

According to him, “green entrepreneurship” is a particular type of entrepreneurship with the goal of developing and putting into practice solutions to environmental issues as well as encouraging social change to prevent environmental harm. Ansir Ali Rajput expressed his opinion on the topic of green or eco entrepreneurship in the podcast.

“Due to our excessively money-conscious approach in the last several decades, the majority of ventures remained tilted toward profit making, ignoring the environment completely that ensued in harsh reaction from nature in the shape of extreme events caused by climatic changes,” he said.

Dr. Ansir said that “Failure to take nature into account in our eco system is largely to blame for the hardships experienced by people around the world in the wake of climate-induced disasters. Unprecedented increases in natural disasters around the globe have caused people to realize the importance of giving nature the respect it deserves.”

Dr. Ansir posed the question, “Now is the time to think collectively about what to do and what role we can assign to the country’s youth to assume in making its niche in developing a green economy.”

According to him, the idea of “green entrepreneurship” is also giving our youth a tremendous opportunity to work on sustainable governance and advocate for this policy among exporters, without which business cannot be sustained in the long run.

Consumers are becoming more aware of eco-friendly products on global markets, and those who buy products first inquire as to how much carbon dioxide was emitted during production.

Exporters need to be educated on the importance of upholding their international obligations and obtaining a sustainable governance license, Ansir Ahmed has said. Entrepreneurship can encompass both sides of the business, including production and services, and does not necessarily require us to manufacture goods.

Ansir suggested that since Pakistan is rapidly transitioning to a service-based economy, we should focus on providing services that can actually help in reducing and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Our youth can play a crucial role in this by utilizing the modern devices they own to learn about these skills and pass them on to others. In this regard, services entrepreneurship can be developed on educating sustainable governance.

The Pakistani businesses can be informed that by reducing carbon emissions and putting eco-friendly standards into practice, they can enjoy greater benefits from better exports in addition to environment protection and community services.

There is an urgent need to educate people, especially youth, about the concept and requirements of emerging green markets in the world, according to Dr. Ansir Advi. Consumers are becoming more receptive to eco-friendly products as a result of this growing environmental awareness.