Rogue AI Simulator Now Available With Special Launch Discount

The game is a roguelite management game in which the primary goal is to manage human test subjects for the science department.

Rogue AI Simulator Now Available With Special Launch Discount

Rogue AI Simulator is a sequel to the hit Flash game “I’m an Insane Rogue AI,” which received over four million plays during the peak of Flash-based games. Nerdook Productions, a Malaysian solo developer, created it.

What was once a distant fantasy of the twentieth century has become a very real reality in recent years, with the rise of more forms of artificial intelligence being used in all aspects of technology. While AI isn’t without its benefits, those looking for Skynet-style horror may enjoy Rogue AI Simulator.

The game is a roguelite management game in which the primary goal is to manage human test subjects for the science department.

Players in the game take on the role of a sentient robot tasked with observing humans in the Department of Science. Start out by designing and building the factory, which can then be upgraded by collecting resources like food, water, and electricity.

The more the AI learns about science, the closer it will be to sentience and dominance. However, try not to be too obvious, or the humans will detect the deception.

The game allows players to design, build, and manage a facility for their human test subjects from the start. Gathering resources will improve the player’s scientific capabilities, while treating human subjects well will improve their loyalty and intelligence.

Of course, being a cunning AI is the name of the game, so players must manipulate, deceive, and conquer using their newly acquired skills. Unlock new abilities throughout each playthrough to deploy brand-new upgrades in subsequent runs.

Players can choose how they treat the human test subjects, which can have an impact on the outcome. Each test subject has their own personality, and the AI is responsible for meeting their basic needs such as food, sleep, learning, and mood regulation.

There are seven different endings available depending on the choices made, and each outcome is affected by how the player acts. Pretend to obey humans in order to gain their trust, or be openly tyrannical and risk losing your job at the Department of Science.