PNS Council Oath Ceremony Aims to Increase Nuclear Field Knowledge 

Nuclear energy is considered clean and green because it does not emit pollutants or harmful chemicals into the environment.

PNS Council Oath Ceremony Aims to Increase Nuclear Field Knowledge 

The Pakistan Nuclear Society (PNS) Council for the term 2023–24 was sworn in on January 9, 2023, in Islamabad. As a chief guest, Dr. Raja Ali Raza Anwar, HI, SI, Chairman Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), took the oath from the PNS Council Members. The main objective is to create public awareness and knowledge about the nuclear Field.

A large number of scientists, engineers, and prominent figures attended the investiture ceremony. The new team consists of a diverse range of young and experienced officers committed to elevating the Society to the level of an international forum.

Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khaleeq, President; Mr. Waqar Ahmad Butt, Vice President; Dr. Mohammad Mohsin, General Secretary; Mr. Ghulam Sarwar, Finance Secretary; and five Executive Members, Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal Saggu, Mr. Muhammad Abbas Qamar, Syed Zahid Hussain, Ms. Huma Qamar, and Ms. Nazia Kashif, took their oaths.

PNS is a non-profit scientific organisation that was founded about 32 years ago. It is a gathering of highly qualified, experienced, and groomed nuclear and allied scientists, engineers, technologists, academicians, and medical doctors.

Its primary goal is to raise public awareness and knowledge about the nuclear field and its applications in power generation, health care, agriculture, the environment, water resource management, and so on. Nuclear energy is considered clean and green because it does not emit pollutants or harmful chemicals into the environment.

As a result, development, education, and awareness are critical to a country’s ability to keep up with current global needs and developments.

PNS is made up of both experienced and inexperienced members. It provides an interactive forum for collaborative activities between R&D organisations and universities, as well as other national and international forums, in order to share knowledge and advances in science and technology, which are needed at the national level.

PNS organises seminars, symposiums, conferences, and other events in various cities on a regular basis to achieve these goals.

In October 2022, a 3-day international conference was held in Islamabad on the applications of nuclear techniques for sustainable socio-economic development. PNS has also established close liaison with the industry for public-private partnerships.

It has activated the Women in Nuclear (WiN) forum and established a forum of students from professional colleges and universities to motivate them for the advancement of science and technology in Pakistan.

Following the formal oath-taking ceremony, Dr. M. Mohsin presented the society’s progress report, and Dr. M. Tahir Khaleeq elaborated on future initiatives and programs. The Chief Guest, Dr. Raja Ali Raza Anwar, lauded in his speech the enhanced activities of PNS for the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. The outreach to other S&T organisations and universities and the focus on students were well appreciated.