The federal minister claimed that our goal is to give preference to local and fishing community children in Gwadar for the 65 open positions on the campus there.


Baloch Skilled Workforce Can Play Positive Role To Uplift Country

The federal minister for science and technology has stated that the educated, skilled workforce of Balochistan has the potential to play a significant positive role in the development of both the nation and the province.

He made these remarks at the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) and COMSATS University Gwadar Campus opening ceremony, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In particular, an educated and skilled workforce can help to drive innovation, increase productivity, and support the development of new technologies and industries.

The leader of the party and the prime minister, he claimed, want genuine development in the province. The advancement of the Gwadar population, particularly the fishermen, is essential to the success of CPEC.

He claimed that the Gwadar Technical Training Center for Precision Mechanics and Instrument Technology Project, which was built at a cost of more than $1200 million, will give the local youth better opportunities to acquire modern education and technical skills.

The development and generation of technical know-how in the fields of precision mechanics, instrument technology, and die and mould technology are among the project’s goals, according to the federal minister.

The Technical Training Center will also offer consulting services to the local industry on designing mechanical products, jigsaw puzzles, and fixtures, helping to upskill the populace, boost exports, and open up job opportunities.

According to the Federal Minister for Science and Technology, COMSATS University will begin classes in Gwadar in the following two months, following Quetta, to provide the residents of Gwadar—particularly the children of fishermen—with a modern education.

Similarly, the government is announcing its new plan to provide higher education facilities to more than 1,400 students by the end of five years. “COMSATS University Islamabad will discuss the construction of a campus with the federal government in Gwadar, Balochistan. Its entire price is 2,400 million rupees.

The fields of computer sciences, engineering, business administration, and basic sciences will initially launch bachelor’s degree programs. 48 months will pass before the project is finished. 400 students will begin graduating from the CUI Gwadar campus each year once the project is finished.

He claimed that our goal is to give preference to local and fishing community children in Gwadar for the 65 open positions on the campus there. A very successful project of the National Institute of Oceanography, which will cost a total of $300 million, was earlier inaugurated by the Federal Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology in accordance with the Prime Minister’s vision.

The project’s goals are competence and independence in marine research to achieve independence. The facility will act as a national hub for guidance on marine technology transfer and the sustainable exploitation of marine resources for Balochistan and the federal government.