Punjab CM Announces To Establish Engineering University In Gujrat

The establishment of a modern engineering university and the provision of employment opportunities for graduates could promote regional economic development.


Punjab CM Announces To Establish Engineering University In Gujrat

The Punjab Chief Minister announced on Friday that he would invest Rs 9 billion in Gujrat to build a cutting-edge engineering university. The establishment of a modern engineering university and the provision of employment opportunities for graduates could promote regional economic development.

Access to high-quality education and training is a critical first step in building a more prosperous and vibrant society. Speaking at the University of 7th convocation of Gujrat, he promised that students who graduated from the Engineering University would also be given jobs.

The chief minister also stated that eight new buses would be purchased for the University of Gujrat for a cost of Rs 150 million, along with the construction of girl hostels at a cost of Rs 420 million. The construction of girl hostels and the purchase of new buses will enhance the university experience for students and increase its accessibility to a wider range of people.

He stated that an information technology (IT) lab would be established at Gujrat University for a cost of Rs 40 million and continued, “We are also planning to build an auditorium in collaboration with US Aid and other philanthropists.”

The establishment of an IT lab will provide students with access to modern technology and resources, which can help enhance their learning experience and prepare them for careers in the IT industry.

Additionally, the plan to build an auditorium in collaboration with US Aid and other philanthropists suggests that there is a strong commitment to supporting the growth and development of the university.

Such investments in education and infrastructure can help create a more dynamic and prosperous society and contribute to the overall development of the region.

The CM cited the Gujrat University’s 62 percent female enrollment as a shining example of women’s empowerment. With the founding of a university in Gujrat, the environment underwent a complete transformation.

A total of 123 male and female students, including Ghazala Yasmin, Hafiz Mohsin Ali, Kiran Sarfraz, and others, received gold medals earlier from the CM.

Additionally present were MNA Hussain Elahi, MPA Abdullah Yousaf, Mian Imran Masood, Prof. Dr. Nizam-ud-Din, Chairman Punjab Higher Education Commission Dr. Shahid Munir, Secretary Finance Mujahid Sher Dil, and Secretary C&W Dr. Sohail Awar.