Hamdard Pakistan organises session on topic Philosophy of Hikmat

Hikmat offers a much more comprehensive healthcare system than conventional medicine, based on its holistic approach to addressing health issues.

Hamdard Pakistan organises session on topic Philosophy of Hikmat

Speaking as a guest speaker at a session organised by Hamdard Pakistan at Hamdard’s Corporate Head Office in Karachi on the topic of “Philosophy of Hikmat”, Prof. Suri, head of the Philosophy Department, University of Karachi, on Friday, said: “Spirituality has not been taken into account in the present-day healthcare system, due to which diseases are increasing continuously.”

“Hikmat offers a much more comprehensive healthcare system than conventional medicine, based on its holistic approach to addressing health issues. As a result, Hikmat should be introduced to the international community as a viable alternative healthcare system. Hikmat’s diagnostic and prevention methods are concrete, detailed, and all-encompassing,” he further added.

“It would be unfair not to acknowledge the importance of modern medical sciences in understanding the details of human body parts. We must take advantage of their discoveries and research. However, we must remember that in modern medical sciences, a human is just a psycho-chemical organism like other living beings,” said Prof. Suri, head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Karachi.

Dr. Arshad Saleem explained the goals and objectives of Hamdard Pakistan’s initiatives to promote the philosophy and vision of Hikmat in his address. He stated that in order to strengthen our relationship with Hikmat, it is critical that people understand the fundamental concept of Hikmat. This will allow them to effectively convey and spread Hamdard’s message throughout society.

To keep up with the fast-paced modern world, he suggested that the broader meaning of wisdom and thoughts be defined in accordance with current needs.

He went on to say that Hamdard’s primary mission was to provide healthcare. However, the focus of our company was to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise public awareness about general health.

“The modern allopathic healthcare system is actually the sick care system that we use only when we are sick, whereas an ideal healthcare system should be that which you can refer to in the state of health or infirmity to get useful health advice for yourself.

“It is also worth noting that health is not simply a state of well-being in the literal sense. It is, in fact, wellness and wellbeing. If happiness is unavailable, health does not exist in its entirety. That is why Hamdard Pakistan has adopted a new theme: Aafiyat Se Jeetay Raho, which clearly reiterates our commitment to our country’s health and wellness,” he said.

Ms. Sadia Rashid, president of the Hamdard Foundation Pakistan, presided over the event. A large number of senior staff and management, as well as employees from various divisions, attended the session.

Originally published at The News