China Becomes The Primary Market For Pakistani Pine Nuts

China has become the primary market for Pakistani pine nuts in recent years, so local growers are relieved that they can profit from the neighbouring country.

China Becomes The Primary Market For Pakistani Pine Nuts

Pakistani dried fruits have a sizable market in China. China is also a major buyer of Pakistani pine nuts. According to Dr. Nurullah, Senior Scientific Officer at the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC), Pakistan is an extremely fortunate country with a diverse range of abilities in every genre. This is particularly true for dry fruits. Pakistan produces a wide variety of dried fruits and exports a large amount of them.

“Pakistan can generate a huge amount of income if it focuses on pine nut production on a larger scale.” They are grown in locations such as Waziristan, Zhob, and Chillas. The tree is tough and tall, and it can withstand prolonged drought, high winds, and harsh winter temperatures. The harvesting of pine trees takes place in September or October.

“Chilgoza trees make up nearly 20% of Pakistani forests,” he said. “In terms of market share, Pakistani pine nuts are extremely popular in China,” he added. According to official data published by the People’s Republic of China’s General Administration of Customs, the amount of Pakistani pine nuts exported to China from January to September this year reached a record high of $47.691 million (GACC).

According to Dr. Nurullah, Pakistan accounts for more than 42 percent of China’s imports, making Pakistan the second largest exporter of pine nuts to China. According to the GACC, China imported 4,290.642 metric tonnes of pine nuts from Pakistan in the first nine months of 2022, worth nearly $48 million. During the same time period, China imported 15,253.90 metric tonnes of pine nuts from all over the world, worth approximately $112.98 million.

According to research, China has become the primary market for Pakistani pine nuts in recent years, so local growers are relieved that they can profit from the neighbouring country. Because the Chinese government has played an important role in facilitating flexible trade policies with Pakistan, the country has been able to export massive quantities of pine nuts to China even during the pandemic.

Pakistani pine nuts are duty-free in China under the second phase of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement, allowing us to sell them at a competitive price. This year’s prices may rise as a result of the floods and fires that destroyed thousands of pine trees, potentially resulting in a pine nut shortage. To generate a large income, the government should focus on promoting the production of this fruit in areas where it is easily grown. Furthermore, because dried fruits are not perishable, they can be stored for an extended period of time.

Originally published at The Nation