Holographic cabin center is highlight of Shanghai innovation bay

Deals on nine major projects have been signed at an emerging Shanghai innovation bay hub in the south-western outskirts of Shanghai to fuel its development as an innovation engine of the Yangtze River Delta region.

Holographic cabin center is highlight of Shanghai innovation bay

Deals on nine major projects have been signed at an emerging Shanghai innovation bay hub in the south-western outskirts of Shanghai to fuel its development as an innovation engine of the Yangtze River Delta region.

A lubrication and friction detection platform, an artificial intelligence open innovation platform and a “holographic cabin” innovation center are among the projects destined for the Shanghai Innovation Bay in Jinshan District.

The H-BOX “holographic cabin” project involves an R&D headquarters for its developer Shanghai-based Huaqujin.

“Holographic cabin” is kind of hologram projector that creates naked-eye 3D displays for livestreaming events. It has been used at the Beijing Winter Olympics and World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai.

The Shanghai Innovation Bay, in the geographic center of the Yangtze River Delta region, has attracted nearly 3,000 high technology firms, incubators and R&D centers, mostly in life science and digital economy, over three years.

In construction is the first phase of a digital port project co-built with the China Academy of Science and Technology Development, with investment of 1.2 billion yuan (US$169 million).

Construction of an international innovation center co-built with the Wuhan East Lake High Technology Group is set to begin in the first half of next year.

Under the plan, both will feature a 100-meter-high center for innovation research, forming a “twin innovation towers” landmark after completion.

Shanghai innovation bay is an area composed of one or several connected bays, harbors and surrounding islands.

The unique geographic location and economic effect arising therefrom of the bay area have formed the “Bay Area Economy”.

The marine features, innovation leadership, a high degree of openness, clustering development, livability and business friendliness are the unique economic pattern and features of Bay Area economy, which have jointly boosted its development.

In November 2018, President Xi Jinping announced its upgrade of support to the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta into a national strategy at the 1st China International Import Expo (CIIE).

In May 2018, Li Qiang, secretary general of CPC Shanghai Committee, revealed the plan to build Jinshan District into a bridgehead for the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta during his survey in Jinshan District.

Regional cooperation, integrated development, bay area economy…New opportunities are brought by the new era. As the dual-engine for the Chinese economy, the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta control half of the Chinese economy, and have what it take for the development of bay area economy.

Originally published at Shine