VU And NSU Unique Collaboration In Skills Education

Virtual University Of Pakistan And National Skills University Will Jointly Develop Skill Education Training Programs In IT And Allied Fields

The Virtual University of Pakistan and the National Skills University Islamabad will jointly develop Skill Education training programs in IT and allied fields. This was jointly stated by the Vice Chancellor of the National Skills University Islamabad and the Rector Virtual University of Pakistan after signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Describing the nature of cooperation between two universities, Rector VU Dr. Arshad Saleem Bhatti described this cooperation as unique in the country based on the governance and academic delivery nature of both higher education institutes. The VU is a national leader in the country with international acclaim in delivering virtual education. The NSU is the only university recognized by the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training.

Major avenues in the ambit of MOU includes i) Exchange of students, academic and administrative personnel, and sharing of resources; ii) Provision of working jointly for Blended Virtual Education Project for Knowledge Economy Initiative; iii) Collaboration in designing and development of technical vocational courses; iv) Offering of courses and training programs jointly; and v) Collaboration in holding joint seminars, workshops, conferences, etc.

The National Skills University Islamabad Vice Chancellor Prof. Mukhtar thanked the Rector Virtual University and his entire team for their visit. Both the academic leaders foresee extensive opportunities for collaborative work.