The Department of Veterinary Medicine of UVAS Lahore organized online a daylong “Bovine Udder Health Symposium” here on Thursday.

The Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore organized online a daylong “Bovine Udder Health Symposium” here on Thursday in City Campus Lahore.

Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Masood Rabbani presided over the inaugural session of the symposium while Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Emeritus Prof Dr Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman Department of Veterinary Medicine Associate Prof Dr Syed Saleem Ahmad, Associate Prof Dr Muhammad Avais and a number of academicians, practicing vets, researchers, dairy farm managers, farmers, professionals, UVAS faculty members from all campuses and students were joined symposium through video link.

While addressing the inaugural session of symposium, Prof Dr Masood Rabbani lauded the efforts of the Department of Veterinary Medicine to organizing this useful and informative symposium. He highlighted the importance of bovine udder and its infection in terms of economics of the dairy producers. He said recommendations from experts would be very effective to curb mastitis issues for the profitability of livestock farming community.

Udder infections cost the dairy industry a lot of money each year in terms of decreased milk yields, lower milk income, increased treatment costs and higher rates of early culling. The objective of the symposium was to highlight the udder problems, provide their solution and create awareness among livestock farmers and farm managers and gather professionals on one platform to discuss various issues regarding cause of mastitis, symptoms of disease, animal handling, precautionary measures to control disease & provide an opportunity to learn about most recent developments and exchange views on the future direction in bovine udder health research, application and services.  

Many well-known eminent professors and professionals including Animal Reproduction Research Institute Agriculture Research Center Ministry of Agriculture from Egypt Prof Dr Taha A Ghattas, Department of Livestock Management from University of Agriculture Faisalabad Prof Dr Muhammad Qamar Bilal, Member Health Nutrition and Population P&D Board Dr Sohail Saqlain were the resource persons of the symposium. They delivered their online lectures on different topics related to bovine udder pathological changes in mastitis udder, new approaches and strategies for prevention and control of mastitis, precise milking practices for improve udder health, bovine mastitis products and therapy options, milk and immunity covid-19 perspective etc.