social media

What social media basically is? Social media is a platform where you can share your ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks. We can share our opinion on social media.

By Umama Afzaal Ahmed Khan

Social media has positive aspects as well as negative aspects. To begin with, we will describe positive aspects of social media. Social media connected us through various sources like WhatsApp, Instagram, twitter, etc. Social media playing an important role in our life. Social media is used for entertainment, for friendships, share interests, explore identities and develop relationships with family. For Example, if we are not with our family, we can take video calls and have a chat with them form a distance.

Now a days due to COVID-19 (corona virus) each and every person don’t go outsides just because of precautions of social distancing. Due to lockdown, each and every aspects of life like business, schools, colleges and universities are closed. No one is working just because of lockdown. But here comes social media’s app like zoom, MS team, and many other apps, etc. the teacher takes online classes on related webs. Everyone is doing online job with the help of social apps. There is another important and positive factor that social media plays is that it provides some resources to those girls who can’t work outside because they don’t have permission.

Social media provides a platform for these kinds of girls and help them to support their selves by providing them online jobs. Furthermore, due to social media news speared rapidly. If there is an accident on a road mostly, people take pictures and videos and post on social media. We get updated by seeing those pictures on social media that has been posted by those people who were present at the crime scene. Through electronic media, we can see and share news everywhere and at every time. Not only, we can share news, but also we can develop new skills by participating in many forms like we can give a positive opinion on a social issue.

Also, we can share our content on social media like, picture, videos, suggestion, vlogs and ideas. Through which we can share all our thoughts with the whole world by posting our ideas on social media. In addition, we are aware of every social event and social happing around us. We are aware of upcoming events like Rio Carnival, Quaid-e-Azam, Christmas, Holi, Songkran, Chinese New Year, Sapporo Snow Festival, Music Festival, International Balloon Fiesta, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Carnival and Winter Games.

 For instance, we are aware of COVID -19 (corona virus) we are aware of COVID 19 (corona virus)’s symptoms and also we are aware of its precautions. By the use of social media, we are aware of this dangerous virus and by knowing the precautionary measures we can save our lives. Moreover, we can help others by using social media. That is, donations, we can donate our money to those sites who truly deserve them and we can also donate our money to other sides of the world where people are helpless, social media raise awareness to share facts and figures.

 Additionally, social media give us advice and also help us online. Such as, students take help from social media and they take advice from it like student can solve their mathematic questions from google, women take help from YouTube they watch different videos of recipes, stitching clothes, makeup etc. On the other hand, social has a lot of negative aspects. Firstly, most of the people use social media to alleviate there anxiety, but the use of social media it makes it even worse. Because on social media there are only topics about stress like; murder or natural disasters which leads people towards anxiety.

Secondly, there has been a steady increase in the use of social media over the past years and adults are involved more than young people. Which causes the loss of study. Youngster are easily been distracted by social media which is causing the loss of education throughout the world. Even the young’s ones are becoming lazy because they are more active on social media then in real life. Social media causes health issue because people are just sits at one place and us their cell phones, laptops, iPad, etc. which effects not only their outer body but also effects the inner organs.

 For instance, now a days we are using our mobiles more than before because we are taking classes’ online due to which we use laptops more and more which effects our eyes. Some people are using social media to bully or harass others. They are doing cyber bullying which causes anxiety among society. Apart from this, adult using social media web sites like FB (face book), Instagram, and twitter to black mail others because when we share our personal information on these sites it get hacked and they blackmail us by using our personal information.

 Furthermore, use of social media causes lack of family connection every single person in a home is using their phones except spending time with each other. Also, social media caused death in recent year because of some famous social apps like blue whale and pubg. Some social media sites uses many negative material to higher their TRP like they spread false news about any incident. People are so much addicted to these games and other sites that they even forget the importance of life. Social media reduce self-esteem in our young generation. They are not even interested in their studies because they only want to spend their time on social media. That destroy their future. Another, thing that happen due social media is lack of newspaper.

 To sum up, I want to say that social media has some positive factors as well as negative factors. The role we can play to promote positivity in society is by showing positive things on promoting channels and on social media. We can also spread positivity by overcoming on some positive aspects like we can spend time with our families except by using social media. If the news company and other sited show positive things rather than thinking about their TRP. Because a healthy and positive society can lead their nation towards success. Spreading good things on social media can cause a happy and stress free environment because if we are promoting positive thing people will be attracted by it and they will relax their selves by using social media instead by getting more stressed by using it.  

Author: Umama Afzaal Ahmed Khan Riphah International University  B.S Psychology (1st semester)