5 Essential Technologies During Post COVID Times

Thanks to media & essential technologies which help us in being a lot more aware of the spread to take precautions and be safe than years ago when pandemic like Influenza, Cholera or Plague hit us.Aword that has shaken the world, shackled the economy of countries, forced to implement the emergency policies, affected the Industries, forced closure of some businesses and changed our normalcy from the year 2020. We need to be aware, safe and be ready for the next unknown in these testing time. When we talk about the technology, the backbone for most technologies or products is ‘The Internet’. Internet is a known phenomenon and has changed our lives forever.

5 Essential Technologies During Post COVID Times
Online streaming

Time spent at home during this pandemic or even post pandemic is a lot more than before, we need to make ourselves entertained and relaxed by replacing going out with activities at home. What can be better than OTTs & Music Streaming services with the comfort of own couch and providing access to theatre like audio & video quality. With the production houses featuring their new releases on the OTT platforms, it is a must have to subscribe to OTTs and Music Streaming services to stroll ourselves to new movies, new music during and post the pandemic

Online learning

In the Pre-Covid times- Online-Learning was mostly confined to professional training courses and distance learning, never there was a defined thought through the companies or industries into 100% online classes. Due to infectious environment outside, we are more confined to homes, and hence even children are taught through online platforms and schooling is made possible virtually.

Defining the perspective going forward, there is an increased need for online learning with the benefits of learning from a varied professional breaking the barrier whether sea or travel. Accessibility of education is no more restricted to cities or towns and has endless possibilities which can be accessed by anyone thereby increasing the literacy. Online-Learning is an important tool which needs to leverage the technology and pro

TWS earbuds

First introduction of a truly wireless earbuds happened in 2017 by a major mobile phone maker bringing in a wireless audio technology into the world. Slowly picking up, three years since the introduction now major manufacturers are following the trend of a TWS (Truly Wireless) Earbuds has range of options for almost in every price range. With Permanent WFH policies and continuous calls whole day, it is also important to keep a track of our wellbeing. With TWS Earbuds, one can move around than being seated in front of the screens the whole time. TWS is a must have technology to be utilized for the quality of audio and for ones well being

Smart homes

The most important place in the world right now for everybody is the home. Home is a Movie Theatre, School, Office and a Gym. When spending the most of the 24hrs in a day at home, a day is not same every time and wouldn’t be right if a home can become a gym or movie theatre, but brick & mortar doesn’t have the capability to transform at least for now. What can be done is transform the home into a virtual experience of a school or a theatre using smart home technology.

A Smart home can transform a whole living experience using the themes matching with the environment of a movie theatre by closing the curtains, locking the door, dimming the lights, switching the tv, microwave starting to pop the corn with just a click or voice command. A Smart home again doesn’t need to burn a hole in the pocket, with SmartDEN a smart home experience starts just at 2L. Smart home is the most important must have technology to keep things normal in the new normal

Contactless payment

Remembering the days of past, Modes of payment were restricted to cash and cheques, where to have some cash queuing in the long lines at the bank and collecting the cash from the cashier. World has come far in the technology on how the financial transactions are handled from plastic debit cards to Virtual cards, Online banking, Phone banking and even watch banking from lines to wrist.

Contactless payments don’t involve physical touchpoints in multiple locations. Encouraging the current payment modes and leveraging the technology of UPI, Online Payments, Virtual cards becomes an important technology to mitigate any future virus like spreads.

Originally published by India Today