Google has released details of internet searching trends during lockdown in Pakistan, search for online grocery delivery increased by 300% in lockdown, Pakistani users mostly content about environment, healthy lifestyle and online shopping searching.

Google Asia Pacific’s industry head for South Asia, Faraz Azhar, said research has shown that consumers are interested in higher sophistication, more durable goods and services and, over the past 12 months, are moving towards healthier lifestyles. The interest has increased.

According to Google, four out of five Pakistani consumers search for products online before making a purchase and move between online search and video. The purchase of online groceries increased during the Corona epidemic, and the search for online grocery delivery before and after the Corona epidemic increased by 300%.

Consumers using their surroundings and nearby supply options in search of products increased by 138%, the trend of using the same day delivery option increased one and a half times while the number of people searching for fast delivery options increased by 130%.

According to Google, Pakistani internet users are concerned about the environment and the searching trends for related content is on the rise. The search for content related to “climate change” and “electric vehicles” has increased one and a half times, while the search for renewable energy Search for information increased by 130%.

Google search users in Pakistan are also curious about the obvious effects of air quality and pollution as search for clear skies increased by 300%, search for clean air increased by 225% and search for clean water increased by 217%.

Similarly, the trend of healthy lifestyle ie food and exercise is also increasing among Pakistanis. There are various wonderful traditions related to cooking in Pakistan but alternative food and food methods that are made for human health Searching also increased, while the search for “daily exercise” increased by 160%.

The article is originally published at EPI Express.