
WB Games Montreal has shared a new teaser for… something. The developer has long been expected to announce some kind of Batman video game, and the reveal that it would have a panel at the upcoming DC FanDome event on August 22nd all but cemented that it would announce said video game then and there.

But it would appear that the developer is also set to reveal something else tomorrow, August 18th, thanks to a new set of teasers pointing to a mysterious website.

The new teasers seem to be in line with a series of cryptic teasers from late last year referencing what is believed to be a new Batman video game. Then again, until it is all revealed, it could also be for whatever mysterious second game the developer is also working on. Folks have discovered that they point to the equally mysterious website,, which includes a countdown timer at the bottom and the date 8/18 — August 18th, tomorrow.

The countdown timer is set to end tomorrow at 11AM ET/8AM PT. There is no telling what might come at that point. At this point, it remains unclear exactly what Warner Bros. Games Montreal will announce at the event on Saturday, August 22nd. But all signs point to a new Batman video game. Whether that is the “Gotham Knights” game that appears to be on the way or something else entirely remains to be seen. It would make sense given that we have already seen the long-rumored Suicide Squad video game is a reality. You can check out all of our previous coverage of WB Games Montreal right here.

What do you think is going to be revealed tomorrow? Has Warner Bros. Games Montreal really been hard at work on a new Batman video game all this time? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!

The article is originally published at : comicbook