In Favor of PUBG Does Youth Really Like This Twitter Trend

PTA issues a detailed order regarding blocking of online game PlayerUnknow’s Battle Ground (PUBG). In favor of PUBG there is another trend #ImranKhanKhulwaoPUBG.

In Favor of PUBG Does Youth Really Like This Twitter Trend

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A statement has been issued on the ban imposed by PubG in Pakistan due to the ban, according to which the game management Pakistan game fans are grateful that they expressed solidarity with the game. The administration has said it is in talks with Pakistani authorities on how to lift the ban on the PubG game. The announcement also stated that the PubG administration respects the customs and traditions of a country and will make every effort to restore the game in Pakistan as soon as possible.

The order has been issued in accordance with Islamabad High Court’s orders after a hearing conducted by PTA on July 9 and in accordance with the provisions of PECA 2016.

PTA provided an opportunity of hearing to concerned parties including PUBG’s lawyers. As per the order of the Authority the PUBG game shall remain blocked in Pakistan. PTA has also approached PUBG management to inform about a suitable framework to address key concerns. No response has been received from PUBG so far.

Following the PTA’s final decision on PUBG, there is a mixed trend between the game and those associated with it. Some say the PTA’s decision is not appropriate, while others say the game should have been banned, and the PTA has done very well.

In this regard, the trend on Twitter #WeStandWithPTA has become one of the top trends on Twitter. Expressing solidarity with the PTA in this trend, the government’s move has been praised.

A user of the game, Yasif, while endorsing the PTA’s decision, said that according to the Twitter trend, the people are with the PTA and the game company should negotiate with the government agency and protect the Pakistani nation. Take away

But Kashan Chaudhry, a game-loving user, has sharply criticized the PTA’s decision, calling it a clash with the Islamabad High Court’s decision. At the same time, he said that the allegations of the government agency on the PUBG game were baseless.

A user named Fakira says that in order to save future generations, there should be a ban on any app, any content that is intended to destroy future generations of the country. The focus on education is on physical activity as well as on the mental and physical strength of the weaver, on the couch or on the sofa. Young people forget their parents in the company of the game.

Rauf Anwar is so wealthy that the offices of these apps and social media sites coming to Pakistan will create employment opportunities and Pakistan will also get taxes, so instead of supporting a foreign company, support a Pakistani state institution.

A user by the name of Un-Ban PUBG expressed his anger by calling the #WeStandWithPTA trend Twitter spam, and also appealed to other people to call this trend spam. Their aim is to convince Twitter that the trend in favor of PTA is not real.

A user named Mahim appreciated the PTA’s move and suggested that the game company should set up its office in Pakistan, file taxes according to the government system and conduct business in accordance with the country’s laws. He said that this trend is not against the fans of the game but this trend is in favor of Pakistan.

The beloved Waqar Zaka of social media has recorded his comment on this Twitter trend in the form of a Twitter video. He said that, this trend is to be considered as the work of Imran Khan’s social media team. At the same time, he informed about two more trends against this trend and asked the fans of PUBG to give their full support in making these tweets a trend.

It is worth mentioning here that where the trend of #WeStandWithPTA is in the top trends on Twitter, the trend of #ImranKhanKhulwaoPUBG is visible beyond that.

In this trend of #ImranKhanKhulwaoPUBG, most of the users seem to be complaining about his disregard for Imran Khan. Most of the users say that they voted for Imran Khan because he is the leader of the young generation but now two years have passed and especially due to the government’s decision to ban PUBG, they are demanding Imran Khan to play his role in restoring PUBG in Pakistan.

In this regard, a user Sohail Ahmed in Favor of PUBG says that the younger generation helped Imran Khan at a time when no one was supporting him, and today when the youth need him to play his favorite game PUBG. Even then there are more than 1million tweets to unban PUBG in Pakistan.

A user named Saleem Khan has said that we, the youth, had elected Imran Khan as the Prime Minister because he would fight against the mafia, but Imran Khan has snatched the snack from the online employers.

Another user, Moin Ahmed, in favor of PUBG expressed his feelings that banning PUBG is not the solution to the problem. Many students in the world commit suicide due to the pressure of their studies, which means that we have to ban school, college, or universities. At the same time, he has presented a table that shows how much the PUBG gamers in Pakistan are earning from this game.

Due to these growing trends on Twitter, it is not difficult to say that the public is in Favor of PUBG and want to open PUBG in Pakistan and the recent decision to uphold the ban on PUBG by the PTA is against the public interest.