Innovative Practices In Agroforestry Is Much Needed For Development, Chairman PARC

Modern and innovative practices in agroforestry-the use of trees in farming- can bring development in both agriculture and forestry.

Innovative Practices In Agroforestry Is Much Needed For Development, Chairman PARC

By News desk

Dr. Muhammad Azeem Khan, Chairman PARC viewed agroforestry as a sustainable management system for land that will increase overall production, combines agricultural crops, tree crops and forest plants and animals.

He also added that keeping in mind the utmost importance of trees for environment and economy of the country, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council has established Rangeland Research Institute at NARC.

Rangeland Research Institute of NARC aims at conducting research studies on various agro-forestry systems involving multi-purpose tree species (MPTS) suited to various ecological zones.

While development of shelter belts for deserts, ranching model for Pothwar tract, adaptation of Salt Agricultural Land technology and establishment of high-tech low-cost nurseries is achieved in this field so far.

Furthermore, Chairman PARC, Dr. Azeem says that first time in Pakistan introduction and adaptation trials of two broad leaved plant species Salix and Robinia, were transported from Hungary.

It is a highly valuable plant for timber, sports industries, and soil/water conservation. By introducing Silvo-pasture technology; which combines trees with forage and livestock production, the multipurpose trees species are managed for fuel wood, meanwhile it provides forage, shade and shelter for livestock.

While stressing upon the importance of agroforestry Dr. Azeem says that countering the challenges in agroforestry is possible with sufficient financial resources allocation, latest research facilities and advanced practices.

There is a great potential lie in agroforestry to create social, economic, and environmental benefits.

Originally published at Pakistan observer