National Skills University Celebrating World Youth Skills Day 2020(WYSD2020)

The World Youth Skills Day 2020 (WYSD2020) will be celebrated on 15thJuly by the National Skills University, Islamabad.

National Skills University Celebrating World Youth Skills Day 2020(WYSD2020)

The importance of this event can be ascertained from the fact that United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and International Center for Technical and Vocational Education & Training (UNEVOC) has highlighted this activity from Pakistan on their website.  Since 2014, the day is observed to inspire and educate youth about the importance of Skills Education with a theme.

This year’s theme of the World Youth Skills Day is “Skills for a Resilient Youth.” Observance of this day mainly focuses on activities thatmotivate young people towards learning skills and acquiring excellence with time; educating youth about future challenges and awareness as well as their readiness to work in highly competitive workplaces; training youth about survival skills during and post-COVID-19 era and creating awareness among the youth for their training in jobs of the next decade.

The National Skills University (NSU), the first public sector university among the federal higher education institutes dedicated to imparting skills-based education, has chalked out an elaborate program for Pakistani youth on the World Youth Skills Day.

The World-renowned Pakistan scholars will deliver their lectures related to creating skills education relevant opportunities for the youth. The inaugural keynote address by Prof. Dr. Atta -ur- Rahman, Chairman of Prime Minister’s Task Force on Science and Technology, will highlight the importance of Creative Skills in Developing a Knowledge Economy.

This will follow with another keynote address by Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Rector, University of Central Asia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. He is considered as an architect of skills-oriented education and will talk about the Educational Pathways to Success”.

Aligning with the vision of NSU harnessing skills-oriented talent within the country and expatriate Pakistani Consultant, Ms. Farida Ansari serving the Talent & Engagement GBS- IBM Canada will share her views about Embracing the Future – Skills Development Strategies for the Next Generation Workforce.

Newly incoming Chairperson National Technology Council, Eng. Imtiaz H. Gilani and Dr. Nasir Khan from the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) will share their views about the Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) initiative of the government.

According to the Vice Chancellor of the National Skills University, Professor Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar World Youth Skills Day observance also includes skills education-oriented activities like short documentary competitions, digital photography highlighting artisans of the country, speeches, and essay writing competitions. First, second, and third positions entries will receive monetary awards besides certificates.

The opening ceremony of the World Youth Skills Day 2020 at the National Skills University will be on July 15, 2020, from 9:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You can participate in this meeting virtually via Zoom

The associated Meeting ID is846 0073 4142 and Password 592269. The meeting will also be available on Facebook at

Vice Chancellors, academic leaders across the country, and abroad sent felicitation message to the National Skills University administration and partner organizations for observing this day so the efforts of youth can be harnessed.

According to the university administration, this day will be celebrated annually as it aligns with the mandate and vision of the National Skills University.