
Dr Ata ur Rehman, Chairman Task Force for Science and Technology, intimates that Coronavirus cases in Pakistan are rising everyday in Pakistan, although death rate is under control.

Chairman Task Force for Science and Technology, Dr Ata ur Rehman on Wednesday claimed that coronavirus cases were rising everyday in Pakistan but death rates are under control due to measures taken by government.

Chairman Task Force for Science and Technology, Dr Ata ur Rehman on Wednesday claimed that coronavirus cases were rising everyday in Pakistan but death rates are under control due to measures taken by Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) government.

Talking to a private news channel programs, he said in May, there were some 18000 cases of virus affected patients in the country but that figure jumped from18000 to 74,000 today, due to irrational behavior of general public towards SoPs.

Focal Person Corona Lab Testing, Dr Ghazala Robi said that present government had provided all necessary support including funds and equipment for tackling the cases of virus pandemic in the country. She said the doctors and paramedic staff who got infection have been recovering fast. She added that some physicians after recovering from coronavirus, had rejoined duties in the hospitals. President PPA, Sindh Dr Jalal Akbar said that some 1700 children infected with virus, have been brought to different hospitals of Sindh.

To a question, he said due to irresponsible behavior and non-caring attitude of parents, the figure among children was rising. He added that during Eid ul Fitr holidays, the media had also reported that parents were found roaming around markets for enjoying or celebrating Eid, with children without adopting standard operating procedures. Meanwhile, Dr Yasmin Rashid of Punjab Health Minister talking to a private news channel said that government had shared the actual information with summery of coronavirus patients with concerned department and Chief Minister. She added that we did not hide report to misguide the public. She said, we have informed through media that coronavirus patients could rise in days to come if the people ignored the SoPs and other precautionary measures set for combating virus pandemic in the country.

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