Financial Support should be given to bloggers will help in Portraying Positive Image of Pakistan

The Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunication suggested financial support to bloggers who could play essential role in promotion of digital economy as well as portraying positive image of the country.

Financial Support should be given to bloggers will help in Portraying Positive Image of PakistanThe committee met with Rubina Khalid where Senator Faisal Javed, suggested that government should give incentives to bloggers which would help in phenomenal economic growth.

Senator Faisal Javed said “Government needs to give financial support to bloggers”.

He further said that phenomenal growth has been observed in the number of bloggers who could portray positive image of the country.

Secretary Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui said that IT & IT enabled services (ITes) export have surged to $550.503 million at a growth rate of 24.71 percent during the first six months of fiscal year 2019-20 (July-December), compared to $441.435 million during same period of last year.

However, chairperson said that how digital economy could be endorsed when government has made common men access to mobile phones difficult by imposing taxes on import when there is no manufacturing plant in the country.

Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui said that government has flouted Expression of Interest (EOI) for bringing international payment gateway to promote electronic and digital money transactions.

He further said that State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will give incentives to international payment gateways to promote information technology sector exports, freelancing and digital economy.