President emphasizing development of human resource through scientific education to handle issues

President Dr Arif Alvi emphasized the need for developing the human resource through promotion of scientific education and research to confront the growing key issues being faced by Pakistan and the other developing countries alike.

President emphasizing development of human resource through scientific education to handle issuesPresident Dr Arif Alvi was guest of honor in event arranged to celebrate the silver jubilee celebrations of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) at the Aiwan e Sadr Islamabad.

The event was largely attended by diplomats, representatives of the COMSATS member countries, academics and researchers besides, faculty members.

Dr Arif Alvi said while addressing that developing countries including Pakistan had been facing challenges like population, bio-degradation, education, dilapidation of environment, research, water and malnutrition etc.

He stressed that the developing countries required changing their direction to focus on the development of human resources, and equip with the latest knowledge of science and technology.

He noted with regret that the situation worldwide was even worst in terms of disproportionate destruction of natural resources. The human beings required to rethink over its footprints it had left behind so far.

He added that all these issues could be overcome with adequate development of manpower and human resource through close cooperation among the countries as these would ultimately benefit the humanity.

The President said due to immense opportunities in the field of science and technology, Pakistan  required to jump onto that train.We need research and knowledge-based economy and here comes  the significant role of the educational institutes like COMSATS.

Minister for Science and Technology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said that socio-economic development could not be achieved without promotion of science and technology.

He appreciated the role played by COMSATS towards contributing in the capacity building of its member countries.

He added that we were keen to extend the scholarship programmes and to set up facilities in the African countries. They were also working on the state of art facility in Kandhar, Afghanistan.

He said Pakistan believed in the multilateral cooperation in the fields of science and technology as the ultimate results would be in the shape of human progress and prosperity.

He also stressed upon the continuation of scientific diplomacy for peace and progress in the world.

Executive Director of  COMSATS  Dr. S.M. Junaid Zaidi also gave an overview of the institutes and functioning of the centers of excellence in the different member countries.