The Model Y defined as a Trojan Horse of sorts

The potential of the Model Y to transform Tesla’s overall manufacturing operations through innovations in patent applications so it is described as a Trojan Horse of sorts, carrying the electric car maker’s innovations mostly under the system.

The Model Y defined as a Trojan  Horse of sortsThe launch of the Tesla Model Y took place in an modest and undramatic event. There were no surprise demo of vehicles at the end of the company’s presentation, nor were there any announcements regarding the number of preorders that received for vehical.

Tesla has been pretty silent about the Model Y since, too, as updates on the vehical have mostly come through patent applications from the company.

One of these innovations is a inflexible wiring system that will permit Tesla to drastically reduce the wiring of the Model Y as compared to its older stablemates. Tesla is expected to use only around 100 meters of wiring for the Model Y, far less than the 1.5 km of cabling used in the Model 3.

Another, even more prominent innovation found in a patent for a Multi-Directional Unibody Casting Machine for a Vehicle Frame and Associated Methods that looks to have been annoyed in the past by company executives.

Elon Musk said that the company’s new casting machine will have the ability to cast pretty much the entire body of a vehicle in one piece, essentially eliminating the need for numerous welds across the body.

Tesla’s struggles with the Model 3 ramp have been well known in the United States as the company had to license a widely automated approach to producing the vehicle that was more balanced between humans and machines. Tesla could essentially start a new experiment with more ambitious and manufacturing models with the Model Y.

Opportunely for the Model 3, the vehicle shares about 75% of its parts with the Model Y, which means that production improvements that work for the vehicle would likely be appropriate for the midsize vehicle as well.

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