Bajaur KP going to get global connectivity of 3G

Pakistan is moving ahead to a digital future with more than 60 million 3G/4G users across the country. Confer to that, the ethnic constituency of Bajaur KP is going to get global connectivity of 3G cellular service.

Bajaur KP going to get global connectivity of 3G

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Mahmood Khan announced to inaugurate 3G internet service in Bajaur, a tribal district, on 25th March, 2019.

The launch of 3G service would accomplish the esteemed demand of the tribal people who requested to the higher authorities to refurbishment the cellular service.

3G service is a component of Prime Minister Imran Khan Initiative to digitalize and modernize the clannish regions of Pakistan.

KP Chief Minister Mahmood Khan said the construction of grid station would also be completed soon to make sure smooth power transmission in the area. Moreover, work on the construction of tunnel to link the area with Expressway would also be launched soon in the ethnic areas.