First Contactless Debit Card launched by NBP

First NBP Contactless Debit Card and Mobile Banking App officially launched by the National Bank of Pakistan at NBP Head Office.

First Contactless Debit Card launched by NBP

National Bank of Pakistan President Arif Usmani accentuate on the hasty digitization in line with global changes which would be determining outlook of the banking sector and a passage to endow the finest products to its customers.

President Arif Usmani highlighted that “I would try to play the best possible role in making NBP the most efficient and profitable bank.”

The NBP was responsive to the future banking needs and keeping in line it had embarked upon an assortment of technology initiatives to make available multiple delivery channels.

NBP Debt Card had more safety measures features as compared to other banks. NBP had 1509 branches and it would be absolutely a giant task to go for transformation and schooling the employees consequently.

The NBP required hasty technological changes internally to counterpart with the external changes in the banking sector.

Muhammad Farooq NBP’s Group Head of Payment Services and digital banking said the launch of the products would provide choice to the customers surrounded by the leading card schemes based on their exclusive transnational requirements joined with NBP’s incomparable branch across the country.